Star seeds are highly advanced spiritual beings and souls. - ZorbaBooks

Star seeds are highly advanced spiritual beings and souls.

Galaxies, Evolved souls, Innovation, Healing, Creativity.

  • “We must strive unceasingly and without rest to accomplish the development of the spiritual nature in man, and endeavor with tireless energy to advance humanity toward the nobility of its true and intended station.” – Abdul Baha

Our own energy works out like a fuel and inspires us to empower and allows us to create great zeal of enthusiasm to make a new path to follow by others gives us as efficient and empowered individual to determine and dedicate to sacrifice and focus more on our desired goals. Listening music gives additional energy and enjoy the spiritual feelings to purify our inner feelings and makes our soul to feel happy with inner engineering. Age and gender is not the criteria here. Every soul have their own way of enjoying the present moments through various means like music, spiritual feelings, social activities and community growth makes an impact and feel happiness. It gives great relief when we sit and think alone keeps us cool in silence. Silence is gold. It gives so many messages if we hear carefully makes us to think rethink and absorb ourselves as individuals and expand our wings to fly high like a bird has no limits. It has high power and high value to generate the strength with high quality. Quality plays the role and it creates goodwill in long run. Always try to give something extra in different forms makes an impact. It helps to think, rethink, reconsider and value our services/products. It also makes us as brand ambassadors.

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Bijibilla Rama Rao