Success is not accident
Success is a journey! It will not happen instantly! It takes time! It needs effort! It requires lot of patience! It makes us learn and re-learn so many times till we get perfection. Practice makes perfection. It helps to create confidence and courage to determine and dedicate to sacrifice and focus more on our desired goals. Consistent practice gives us more results. Positive attitude helps to grow with like minded people to learn more thru various means and acquire the positive thoughts to achieve the fruitful results in real life. It is a combination of so many factors involved like effort, time, size of our desire, volume of task designed, whether conditions, needs and requirements of public interest, cost effectiveness, quality of the product or service, ability to perform, God’s grace and so on. Apart from our effort there are some unknown sources will helps us in our success journey. We have to realize and accept it. Realization helps a lot and it makes us to understand better to know the ground reality. It gives strength to plan well and perform in a better manner to get the effective and efficient results in reality. It needs experience! Your life is your experience! You are the best teacher for yourself! Plan accordingly!
Employees will come first to the company! They should be taken care in all respects! Then only the company will prosper better! Customers will come later! Employees will create customers thru their performance and brand image will effect in a positive way on the part of an organization when time passes. Try to appreciate your employees first then the organization will automatically develop and become a great and successful one in the minds of public. They struggle for the sake of organization. They are the pillars to stand and shoulder the burden on them and prove thru training and learning process based on the guidance and support given by the organization makes an impact on the part of its employees and the customers at large in days pass on. Motivate and cultivate the work culture with positive attitude gives the best results in reality. Work force are key and play a vital role to prove for acquiring the positive results thru training and effort gives an inspiration to exhibit their skills where required. Skill development is part of the process. Will gives thrill! Thrill gives skill! Skill gives work and prove themselves with their performance makes the organization become successful. Human resources are essential to act!
Self-awareness is a great concept! It welcomes feeling, kindness, sensitivity, consideration, humanity, mercifulness, and affection. It awakes in the form of desire makes us to think in positive way and allows us to move in same direction to breathe, listen, allow, invite, observe, accept, greet, surrender, receive, involve, attend, perform, authorize, appreciate, and trust. Humbleness makes it happen. Successful people hold and accept the fruitful results. They share their results with others. It indicates their honesty, integrity, kindness, and sacrifice. It makes them to grow as a dynamic leader and cultivate the leadership qualities over a period of time with this attitude and prove as leaders in this world. Discipline gives everything. It leads them to mingle with more number of people and invite them to share their views and try to consolidate them to implement in an effective manner to fetch the best results in reality. It is always better to win yourself than others which gives an immense pleasure and satisfaction. Satisfaction plays the role! A satisfied person is better than a successful person. It gives peace of mind. Our end goal should be to have peace at the end of day when you go to bed you should get better sleep.
Late is better than never! As long as you are breathing you are alive! Live the fullest! Do right now and live in your present makes sense to plan and perform and fetch the best results in reality. Age is not the criteria! We are here to live and let live with growth and prosperity. It is possible only with positive mindset. Thought process is ultimate. It gives us to think in right direction with right people at right place with right attitude with right cause to achieve the right results is the right way of approach. One word allows us to write many and gives us an opportunity to fill the page with so many sentenses will turn as paragraphs and become chapters turn as a book which surprises every one in reality. It happens! Will has power to do and re-do to continue forever. It is on going process. As long as we breath it continues like a flowing river. River Ganges is auspicious. Everyone likes it. Prays it. Treats it as precious and powerful. Taste it. Water is essential to live. It serves in many ways. It is a natural resource and God given gift to all of us. We also give something to this world as a gift as human beings. We are part of this world. Our success includes powerful sources like Mother Nature, time, people, effort.
It gives us an immense pleasure and satisfaction to change ourselves first to change others. We have to be flexible in an understanding way to fit into their shoes mingle with others as much as you can and as much as possible, as soon as possible gives the best results in real life. Transformation helps to throw the light in the form of knowledge gives us an opportunity to prove ourselves as successful individuals. It is a continuous process and helps to learn more and more thru various means keeps us to update and upgrade on regular basis creates fire within us and build the confidence and courage to step out makes us to reach miles and miles towards our journey and makes it happen in reality. GYM gives energy to plan and become young by converting our mindset into reality by participating with young achievers motivates us and gives booster to fly like a balloon in the sky. Change makes us to change everything for good cause. It inspires us to reach new heights in reality. It makes us strong and stable to ignite the power within us. It helps to reach like minded people to share our views with others. It also helps to apply new technology for acquiring the positive impact in the minds of youth and enable them to grow in new direction.
Be a game-changer! It helps an event, idea, or procedure that effects a significant shift in the current way of doing or thinking about your own life or something makes an impact in dramatic way keeps us to elevate to the next level in reality. Be as trendsetter, role model, star performer, carries the power to change the decision and it has history of effecting major decisions in our activities gives boost and motivates to reach high as much as possible. It helps to evaluate, eradicate, excel, enhance, enjoy the returns gives scope to improve further depending on the situation and circumstances prevailed is the best way of living. Self motivation is the best way approach. It gives us power to think in a better manner helps to learn and re-learn where required makes us up to date then upgrade to the next level in reality. Knowledge is essential to think in a better manner and gives us an experience which makes us to proceed further with courage and confidence to determine and dedicate to sacrifice and focus more on our desired goals is the right way of approach. Knowledge works like a light shows the path in which direction we have to move is key to open the door and see the things in reasonable manner makes us to aware & awake.
Relationships are no way beautiful, attractive, charming, fashionable, stylish, exciting, thrilling, glittering, colorful, cosmopolitan, appealing, enchanting, glamorous! Let it be with your parents, friends, loved ones or anybody for that matter even a stranger though we do not interact much or close it should have trust, faith, confidence, love, affection, understanding, belief, makes us to take care with mutual respect, care, needs time to prove on each other makes some sense and gives some meaning in reality. It will not happen instantly. It takes time to prove and satisfy in all respects. Unconditional love alone concretes the strong relations to build and stay with us permanently. Then only things will set right to move forward together with love and affection makes us to feel joy and happiness in real life. Time plays crucial role in this respect. It has its own value to prefer and prove based on our experience and facts prevailed will be taken in to consideration makes to strengthen the relationship in long run and stay with us once it is established and created it will stick forever. It is not a rolling stone to move here and there. It will fix and stay permanently. It has its power. It is natural. It is God given gift.
Be happy, live peacefully, express frankly, keep the doors open and be like a plain paper with positive attitude and allow people to meet to express their views to share with good intention gives scope to move with positive people to acquire the positive thoughts in a right place, at the right time, to achieve the right results is the right way of approach. Never carry the negative things in mind and spoil the mood and health leads us to stress, strain, ill health, makes us to move towards negative growth gives nothing when you see back after sometime. Less luggage more comfort! Expect less and try to give more keeps you happy and others as well. Sharing is caring! Sharing is part of the process! It gives leadership qualities. A leader can sacrifice for the sake of their own people and live in the middle when required which creates confidence in the minds of public gives pleasure and happiness and create more leaders to lead the team and work together. Togetherness gives more strength. It is a God given gift. One has to cultivate this habit to grow in a positive manner with positive attitude will fetch the fruitful results in real life. Do more! Give more! Hope for the best! Prepare for the worst! Believe! Belief gives everything.
Choice is yours! It is in your hands! You should select which one is better. Remember! What you select, it makes you based on your selection. You are held responsible and accountable for your own choice what makes you will make you as you are at present. Always choose it carefully! Your decision is final! Once determined stick on it! You can change your plans as you like but not the choice. It is your goal! Goal should be determined, dedicated, sacrificed, focused, and achieved at any cost. It is possible only thru effort. Your effort is your valuable asset. Effort will not go waste. It has its own value. Your effort is your strength. It has winning mindset. Winners will never quit! It gives courage and confidence to move forward with great zeal of enthusiasm in order to fetch the fruittul results in real life. Initially everything looks difficult and feel it is not possible. Some people say that it is impossible and you can not achieve it. Decision is yours. Plan is yours. Effort is yours and the effective implementation is yours. Why do you bother about others? People will say so many things. They are spectators. You are the performer. You have willpower and ability to perform better to get the best results. Proceed! Prove!
Necessity is the mother of invention! Your need makes you to act upon! It makes you to search for food and hunt it where it is available! Then it makes to force plan and perform to achieve it. Effort alone can get our food and makes you to feel happy. Consistent effort gives consistent results. Hunger stomach creates more opportunities in this world. It helps us to think in a better manner and makes it to learn and earn. Learning is a continuous process. You can learn things in so many ways. It gives us knowledge how to search and acquire the needs with the help of technology. Technology play a key role in our day to day life style. Lot of changes took place in last ten years. Entire world has come to your hands and handle it with one cell phone to pick-up in one call or command! It needs application, skill with will! It requires an effort and ability to perform which gives strength to handle in an effective and efficient manner. We are facing new challenges in changed and new environment. We have to prepare ourselves to equip in better way to handle and work efficiently to fetch the fruitful results on daily basis. Quick changes makes us to shift immediately to acquire the latest information thru knowledge makes to fit. It drive’s to move.
It is always better not to treat the life is a problem to be solved, but it is a reality to be experienced! Convert it as a challenge to perform and prove it as an individual gives us immense pleasure and satisfaction. To say frankly it is too short and better to live carefully and cautiously to give some meaning with sense is worthful always and better to proceed with positive attitude helps us to reach the positive people for fetching the positive thoughts and achieve positive results is the right way of approach. Mindset is ultimate. Thought process gives us an opportunity to think in right perception which makes us to mingle with like minded people to share our views with love and affection gives peace of mind. Life is like a journey. One has to fulfill it thru our effort gives us full satisfaction. A satisfied person is better than a successful person. Obstacles and hurdles are part of the process. One has to understand with great heart and plan accordingly to proceed further shows the path to move in right direction to achieve our goals and makes it happen. Love alone gives peace of mind. Love and live is the best way of approach. Love everyone to live with everyone. Teamwork plays a role. It has its own value. It inspires!
Learning to remember at an early age is must and helps to grow in better way to lead our life in a systematic and dynamic manner helps to lead our life in a successful way keeps us safe and secured. It is must to learn and update ourselves to upgrade and elevate to the next level in real life gives us an immense pleasure and satisfaction. The truth of life is the truth of everything. We have stages to come across in life like childhood, adolescent, youth, middle age, old age, super old age say super senior citizen. This is the stage where things help us to learn to forget to lead a very happy and peaceful life. Because this age requires to reduce all our burdens in all respects to lead a very happy and peaceful life to the rest of our life without any burdens to carry forward makes tough and create more problems apart from health is kept in mind very seriously. Less luggage more comfort. At one stage we really feel our own body is burden to us to move, sit, stand, reach, and we can not even do our routine things is hard to mention in this respect. One has to realize and understand in such a way that we should pray the Almighty to leave this world peacefully without facing any obstacles and hurdles is really God given gift to us.