The human behavior - ZorbaBooks

The human behavior

The human behavior is the root cause of everything. It makes us to become the full pledged individual in this world. It generates power within us and create the strength, confidence, and courage to grow as human with high values in respectable manner. Each person thinks in their own way depending on the mood in given time and situation makes an individual to behave and act based on the information available keeps them is tricky. It helps to grow as leader and cultivate the habits in dynamic and systematic manner helps to improve the skills and acquire the qualities makes us to get the success rate at high level. Lot of patience is required to acquire this skill. It is an art. It has to be constructed brick by brick to create a strong foundation and make it stable like concrete gives the space to prove and perform better in long run. It creates good will and confidence in the minds of others. Creating confidence is not an easy task. Lot of effort is required. Effort alone can yield the fruitful results. Effort will never go waste. Your effort is your valuable asset. Consistent effort gives consistent results. The leader should be dare enough and stay in the middle if required and sacrifice everything. Decision making helps a lot to prove the leadership quality. Determination and dedication with sacrifice and focusing more on our desired goals will help to great extent. Never stop in the middle once started till we reach our goal. Rome was not built in a day. Help ever hurt never is the best policy. Start early reach safely is the best way of approach. Slow and steady wins the race keeps us in safe zone. Rolling stone gathers no mass. A stich in time saves nine. Do not take hasty decisions.

Human values are utmost important to measure the quality of an individual in terms of behavior, conduct and character. An individual should not shake for thunders and threats. Strong will power helps to large extent. Communication is key for success. It helps us to great extent. An effective communication gives the effective results. Never look for short cut methods. Instant results will not fetch much. Vision helps in long run. It helps to determine and dedicate to focus more on our desired goals. The human behavior is the the most complicated and difficult element to understand, respond, react, in various situations, occasions and the times to come out is a need to find out the words to realize the ego and win the people is an art of leadership quality in this respect. Each time, each occasion, each event, each situation, each incident we react differently with different people irrespective of the facts and figures makes an impact on the part of others. We should realize and rectify it as a wise and matured individual with winning mindset to accomplish and achieve the desired goals with our vision and plan to implement it in an effective and efficient manner yields the fruitful results. Win-win strategy helps a lot! Help the people where required and be kind enough to extend your co-operation and co-ordination.

Be as good listener to understand better to know the ground reality. Lot of patience is required to acquire this skill. Learning is a life long process. A leader can create more leaders with positive attitude. Be a helping hand. Extend your co-operation as much as possible, as much as you can, as soon as possible do it. Leadership is an art! One has to struggle and sacrifice to create confidence in the minds of others. Love alone can make it happen. Live long! Facing difficulties are part of the process! If we want to achieve some thing we have to plan well and face the challenges equally in order to get the desired results in appropriate time is worth mentioned in this context. If you want gold you should dig it deeply. You can not get it on surface! Consistent effort alone can yield the consistent results! Burning desire with strong will power coupled with commitment and determination/dedication gives us confidence and courage to face the challenges in difficult times. Faith allows us to move forward miles and miles to reach our destination well in time irrespective of the obstacles and hurdles occur during the course of our journey with clear vision. Know the ground reality before landing! Technology helps to large extent! Application of brain is equally important! Success is a journey not the destination!

Leadership is part of sacrifices coupled with communication skills and creating confidence in the minds of others. Strategic planning helps us in many ways! Planning and organizing is primary function of management! Goal setting is part of the process! Let us focus more on the desired goals! Have patience! Rome was not built in a day! Slow and steady wins the race is the best! Progress is nothing but advancement and development happens on daily basis thru our effort by learning new skills in different ways is the key for creating self goals is worth mentioned in this context. Learning is a continuous and life long process which makes us to reach next level and elevate us to rise up over a period of time. Nothing will happen overnight! There is no short cut method for success! It is a process one has to follow by creating his own path to make foot prints followed by others gives an immense pleasure and satisfaction. Satisfaction plays role! A satisfied person is better than a successful person. Consistence performance alone can yield the best results. Focus more on your desired goals and never stop in the middle irrespective of the obstacles and hurdles occur during the course of your journey till you reach you destination well in time. Work is Worship! Duty is Divine! Do your duty! Give your best! Hope for the best! Be as an optimistic. Be in the middle of positive people for achieving positive thoughts and acquire positive results. An idea can change the entire world!

Thought process is ultimate! It helps us to commit and determine to dedicate to get the results thru our effort. Success is a journey! Love yourself! Love your work! Love people! Love Mother Nature! Love all! It helps you to lead a better life! It gives more strength! It makes you to involve! It keeps you engage yourself! It does busy yourself! It helps self learning! It builds your strength! It gives scope to expand your relations with others! It also gives scope to extend your activities! It helps to share and care! It improves your level of knowledge and performance! It gives the end results! It creates reputation! It makes you more responsible and accountable! it gives global recognition! It makes you to travel from one place to the other! As a result you can collaborate and co-ordinate with people to co-operate for exchanging the views and opinions with others. It leads to further strengthen the relationships in long run! It makes a bridge to cross the river easily! It also makes your job easy to handle manage the people with love and affection! It is like a key and useful weapon for your success! Success is ultimate! It gives us an immense pleasure and satisfaction! It gives tremendous growth in real life! To say in word it gives endless results! Love is a four letter word to Live in an Organized way coupled with Values and Excellence is worth considered! Things will never happen as we think fast! Everything will take its own time.. Man proposes God disposes!

Let us do our duty with more cautious and careful. Give your best and hope for the best! Be as an optimistic! Have patience! Imagination is different! Reality is different! Do your duty! Duty is Divine! Work is Worship! Slow and steady wins the race is the best policy! Do not expect instant results! Effort coupled with luck and time saves us to cross the river safely and securely well in time. Never stop working even if you do not get the results. Try again! Do it differently! Learn more and more! Application of brain is equally important! Do it with sense of humor! Be mindful! Do not move blindly! Listen carefully! Observe and understand the ground reality to proceed further to act. Know your strength! Plan well in advance to implement it in an effective and efficient manner. Start early to reach safely. Help ever hurt never! Time has its own value! Just wait for opportunity! Things will set right! Nothing is permanent in this world! Change is must and mandatory! Whether it is good or bad give equal treatment. Just accept it! Pray the Almighty to get the relief! Soon you will come out of your pain. Your effort is your asset.

Creating vision is one part! Implementing the vision is another part! They are just like both sides of coin which are most important and required to perform in a better way. Being a leader one has to visualize! Immediately after creating an idea execution takes place. Implementing an idea is utmost important. It is just like creating the goal and putting our sincere effort for achieving the goal irrespective of obstacles and hurdles occur during the course of our journey to focus more on our desired goal helps us to reach our destination well in time. Lot of effort is required. Burning desire coupled with determination and dedication helps to build a strong team with sufficient knowledge and necessary training with continuous follow-up helps to become dream cum true! Lot of sacrifice is required to make the vision to materialize! Effective communication gives the effective results! Involve yourself and monitor as frequently as possible by encouraging the team work gives positive results. Selection process takes crucial place whether it is Men/Women or technology plays major role while implementing the vision is worth mentioned in this context. Strong will power makes us to reach fast towards our vision to fulfil. Let us focus! As a matter of fact nothing will happen overnight. Everything will take it’s own time. Set a goal and try to understand and improve gradually. At the initial stages it is always better to set the small goal to create faith and confidence in order to get the courage to set a bigger goal in future. As a result you will accustom and enjoy the challenge to face and achieve it easily.

Goal setting is must in real life to grow well and set an example to others. Try to create wonders and make a path to follow by others in future which gives an immense pleasure and satisfaction. Be a role model to others. To reach this stage one has to cultivate the habit of discipline. It helps us to dedicate and determine to get the courage and confidence to face the challenges in real life. It makes us to reach new heights in real life. To get this quality one has to focus more on what they believe and proceed further to put a step forward which makes to reach new heights in day to day life. Consistent performance alone can yield the best results. Try to develop soft skills. Work smart. Effective communication gives effective results. Smile! It is always better not to compare with others. Instead set a goal yourself and try to do it in a better way and fulfill it in all respects in a brighter way than earlier which gives an immense pleasure and satisfaction. A satisfied person is better than a successful person. Try to understand the situation and ground reality before starting something to give your best to get the best out of it. Be happy with what you have. Be simple and humble. Honesty is the best policy. Think positive and develop positive attitude and move with positive people to get the positive results. Work is worship. Do it regularly. Regular practice makes perfect and gives confidence and courage to face the challenges for attaining better results in real life. Determine and dedicate to focus more on what you think and believe which helps to make you happy. Evaluate and appreciate yourself at least once in a day which gives motivation. Self help and self motivation is the best way of approach in order to get the best results in real life.

Knowledge plays an important role. Update yourself in all respects at all times and in all occasions. Train yourself. It is a continuous process irrespective of gender, qualification, position and size. Keep up! Instant results will not fetch much. It takes time to provide and test our patience. Sincere effort and regular practice makes us an efficient and effective individual to implement and execute the plans in a systematic and dynamic manner only can yield the best results in long run. We should have lot of patience and ability to bear then understand and adjust yourself to digest for attaining the best results. It is always better to read carefully and try to understand. Then only try to appear for the examination to get the best results. All the glitters are not gold. You should dig it deeply. You can not get it on surface. A stitch in time saves nine. Plan well. Practice regularly. Study carefully. Attempt sincerely. Follow the rules. Wait for the opportunity. Slow and steady wins the race. Rome was not built in a day. Don’t disappoint. Evaluate and appreciate yourself. Burning desire helps to dream big and achieve it with confidence. It gives strength to move forward to reach your goals well in time. Have positive attitude. It gives energy to create wonders in real life. Pray regularly. Great things will not happen overnight. Rome was not built in a day. We have to construct brick by brick with solid foundation. Plan well and implement it most effectively and efficiently. Work is worship. Duty is Divine. If you respect your work it respects in the form of success. As a matter of fact It is part of the process to achieve our goals coupled with great determination and dedication making us to reach them in order to meet our needs well in time. It is a combination of multiple factors like attitude, activeness, belief, courage, confidence, commitment, desire, determination, dedication, excellence, faith, gratitude, honesty, humanity, integrity, individuality, involvement, justification, knowledge, kind heart, loyalty, love, mission, nobleness, opportunity, prayer, quality, reliability, responsibility, respect, recognition, stability, trust, team spirit, unity, wisdom, zeal are some of the essential ingredients to help us effectively for attaining better results to reach greater heights in real life. Change should come from within. Realize yourself! If you want to realize you will have to evaluate, examine, analyze, audit yourself honestly and accept the facts. Try to work out and remove one by one slowly to become the true individual. No external force can do it. It should be done by you only. Because you are the creator, you are the performer, You will get the results for what you do? It is the fact. Feel free and spend some time for your own growth and development. Try to be in the realistic world. Do not live in the imagination. Thoughts are different ground reality is different. Lot of effort is required to know the facts. It is very easy to misunderstand others. It is very difficult to know the truth. Do not jump in to the conclusions. Have patience. If you want to be constructive it takes time to get the real facts. Believe! Belief alone makes wonders in real life. Do not believe blindly. Do not under estimate others. No body is perfect in this world. people will come from different backgrounds. Respect. Trust. love, courage, confidence, commitment are essential elements. Never stop trying. Failure is part of success. When you are failed means you are close to success. You will learn new out of your failure. Failure teaches many lessons. Never repeat the same mistake again. Failure is the stepping stone. It helps you to evaluate and know the ground reality. Never estimate that your enemy is weaker than you. Prepare yourself. Practice well. Train yourself. Update your knowledge in all respects. Apply the technology. Put your sincere effort. Do your best. Get the best out of it. Keep the fear aside. Do not live in imaginative world. Be practical. Live in the present.

Consistence performance alone can yield the positive results. Discipline, Dedication, Determinations helps to commit and achieve our goals well in time. Goal setting is essential. Have a SMART goal. Smile always. Smile is the symbol of success. It makes us to reach people to explain in an effective manner for attaining better results. Effective communication gives the effective results. Knowledge plays the role. Try to understand the people in right perception. Deal every thing in an amicable manner. Compromise if required. Win-Win strategy is safe. Bargain if required. It is better to start the day with prayer and greet the people silently whom you love when you wake up. It gives lot of relief and satisfaction. Then start the day with zeal and enthusiasm go for morning walk to breath the fresh air. It makes physically and mentally to do the things in rest of the day. Now you are active to do your job. Do it with faith. You will be blessed. Believe yourself. Love your work. Love yourself. Work is worship. Duty is Divine. Do it with confidence. Confidence gives strength. Strength makes you to move forward. Put a step forward with determination and commitment. It leads you to move miles and miles to reach your goal well in time. Perform yourself. Evaluate and appreciate yourself. Achieve yourself. A satisfied person is better than a successful person. Discipline, dedication and determination leads an individual to have the commitment, courage and confidence to get the things done in a desired manner. Plan effectively and execute it most efficiently. Your effort will never go waste. Have patience. Wait for the opportunity. Everything will take its own time. Do not expect overnight results. Time plays vital role. It is more precious. Do it now is the best policy. It gives instant results if we implement it effectively and efficiently. We have to practice it. It is possible only thru practice. Lot of effort is required. We have to train our mind and body to indulge and make it habituate to do the things promptly on time. It is possible only when we believe, feel, determine, dedicate, commit, focus, involve, try, practice, implement, do it. Make this as a habit. Habit turns in to character. Character makes the personality. Personality turns in to a full pledged individual. An individual stands and proves as a successful person by applying the above methods. It is a continuous process. The system has to be created in such a way that every body should follow this for good governance. Self help is the best way of approach. You are answerable for your own actions. Accountability is the right way of approach to some extent. Do it now! Did it!

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Bijibilla Rama Rao