The secret of change
The secret of change is to focus more all our energy, not in fighting the old, but on building the new is a great concept. Never waste your time with carrying negative thoughts in your mind which gives more stress, strain, pain, weakness, bad thoughts, ill-health, lead us to destruct and demoralize in all respects at all times on all occasions is the bear fact. It makes to disrespect, and no one will trust us due to negative attitude which creates obstacles and hurdles hindrance, and complication drives towards delays, interruptions, breakdowns, hurdles, encumbrance, check, curbs, and so on in long run. Credibility will reduce gradually and loose the faith throws us in dark in day-to-day life. Change is the only way to build the relationship brick by brick and create the strong foundation to develop the relations while dealing with better care and understanding helps us to cultivate the positive attitude. Attitude plays a great role to reach a greater number of people with good intention makes us to build the strong foundation thru our performance proves the reliability, responsibility, accountability, yields the fruitful results. Making good choice, makes us to move with good people for having good thoughts will acquire the good results.
Win-win strategy is always better to move the relationship smoothly, actively, effectively, efficiently, progressively, by changing ourselves on daily basis leads us towards growth and prosperity. Respecting each other makes the environment user friendly and helps to stay long and strong forever. Never degrade your workforce under any circumstances. Human resources are the biggest asset for any organization irrespective of its nature, size, activity, role, and goal. Without men, women, money, material, machine, skill development, work culture, encouragement, appreciation, guidance, and support no company will stand in a better position and we can safely predict that its end is near and close it in no time to wash away everything and disappear in the minds of public. Out of sight is out of mind. If you do not see anything regularly whether it may be an individual, product, service, or the organization for that matter everything will disappear and totally forget and invite the new people, system, skills, technology, for that matter anything in this world purely depends on consistency, regularity, quality, perfection, affordability, availability, allows us to stay long and set in the minds of public is the right way of approach.
Transformation helps to a large extent irrespective of an organization and its size or nature does not matter in reality. If we want to survive as an individual or as an organization for that matter change is must for good cause to move forward with great zeal of enthusiasm to reach our milestones which set up as goals in our mind makes it fulfill in all respects at all times on all occasions should bear in mind with positive attitude. Innovation, collective effort, strategic planning, effectiveness, efficiency in implementation, vision, good leadership, human resources, nutritious and affordable food, technology, equipment, water resources, Training, environment, transformation, willpower, determination, desire, sacrifice and dedication, with planning makes us to move in right direction with the right people at the right place in right time for the right cause gives the fruitful results in reality. Attitude plays a key role in this respect. We have to adapt ourselves for change in the given circumstances to diversify and discover in a dynamic and systematic manner keeps us to fit in the job assigned and prove ourselves as the elite performer and successful individual to create team with a view that to live in long and strong.
The mother is the first teacher for a child who helps to grow in systematic and dynamic way in this universe. A child can learn everything thru the mother and get the confidence and courage to sustain on daily basis to establish and prove as an efficient individual to grow in this world. The mother alone can give the unconditional love to a child and the child receives it without any doubt with love and affection and enjoy the same in many ways to prove and perform better to create this world as a beautiful and natural way is the right way of approach. The mother will show the father. The father will show the teacher. The teacher will show the universe thru his/her teachings in different ways, different occasions, different times till the child grows on his/her own in this world. The language is natural and very easy to understand by the kid thru the mother makes efficient and active to prove as useful and great individual creates the strong foundation than anybody in this world. She plays an active role in the growth and development of a child in long run. It is God given gift. We have so many languages in this world. None of them are equal or more powerful than mother’s language which alone can change the child in so many ways.
Critical thinking helps to evaluate, analyze, listening, explaining, fairness, flexible, research and objective manner of available facts, such as evidence, observations and arguments in order to form a judgement generally happens in reality. It is very complex and difficult to judge and give our opinion based on the information available and situation prevailed is not an easy task. Being an elite performer, one has to encourage the critical thinking. It is the process of thinking carefully about the subject or an idea without allowing feelings or opinions based on ground reality. To think critically, you must be aware of your own assumptions deeply without any hindrances or obstacles by anybody by asking some questions will help to arrive some conclusion gives more clarity and it is the rich concept that has been followed developed by majority from so many years. You need to be able to communicate with others to share your ideas effectively. You might also need to engage in critical thinking in a group. In this case, you will need to work with others and communicate effectively to figure out solutions to complex problems. Critical thinking often involves creativity and innovation. Critical thinking is the act of analyzing facts.
Life lessons are the most powerful and valuable in real life. The life teaches us many lessons on daily basis if we observe carefully then we can learn a lot from each step, occasion, event, incident, each moment keeps on reminding and recharging to realize and recollect us to have cautioned us with many examples one has to learn in reality. To say frankly it is like a book. We have to understand by reading it on regular basis. Reading means we need not read physically every page you can even learn thru reading the faces of individuals whom we come across on different occasions at different times and places itself will give the best results if we observe and study carefully, we can rectify and redesign our own plans in an effective and efficient manner to apply and perform in a better way to fetch the fruitful results in real life. Mere reading is not sufficient we have to observe, involve, interfere, examine, evaluate, interpret, understand, enjoy scrutinizing, satisfy in all respects at all times on all occasions is worth mentioned here on this occasion. Mistakes will happen irrespective of our strengths we apply sometimes it is part of the process. After all we are humans. At the same time do not commit the same mistake again.
Attitude makes a big difference in every aspect! It plays vital role and apply it carefully in all respects where required and were involved to fetch the fruitful results in reality. ATTITUDE is the only word where you get 100 marks if you add in English words. It is more powerful and has its value if we apply it properly. Then only things will set right in right way to plan well and perform better in an effective and efficient manner to get the best out of our effort. Effort alone can yield the fruitful results in real life. Your effort is your valuable asset. It gives more strength. It keeps you to learn more and more thru various means and elevates to the next level in reality. A positive attitude makes an individual to reach the positive people for acquiring the positive thoughts and achieve the positive results. It is always better to change your direction towards positive approach makes you to create the new path to follow by others and helps the society to bring some change in everyone with good intention which gives us an immense pleasure and satisfaction at the end of the day we can sleep happily with peace of mind. As long as our intentions are good everybody will accept us. A satisfied person is better than a winner. Winning mindset helps to win everything. It makes us to move forward with positive attitude to reach our goals well in time is the right way of approach.
Love alone makes to feel better and allow us to remember forever. Through love we can do many things. We talk, walk, wake, look, choose, chase, face, give, forgive, choose, show, feel, attend, smile, excite, tell, effect, remember, perform, live together in real life is worthful to mention here on this occasion. It only inspires us to think in right direction with right people at the right time in right place for right cause to achieve the right results is the right way of approach. We all of us can love each other unconditionally. Zen zoom helps us to cultivate this habit. Kindness is the way to think and create a path to help others wherever possible. It is one of the ways to transform ourselves in a dynamic and systematic manner to extent our co-operation and coordination in different forms depending on the situation prevailed with available resources in given time is worth considered in this respect. Soul tribe gives zeal and enthusiasm to transform ourselves and helps to discover with innovative and dynamic manner to approach the likeminded people to express our views with good intention makes the ties stronger, longer, larger, to fulfill our dreams and aspirations in gigantic way to make it happen in reality. Feel to love!
We can convince people through communication. Communication is key for success. An effective communication gives effective results. Verbal and written communication helps in majority of cases and sends the information in an understanding manner in such a way that we can convince and confirm through our expressions and present skills where required to understand in a better manner and implement things in an effective way keeps the receiver to receive and maintain the relations in long run in our activities and strengthen the relations for longer period. If we want to maintain the long-term relations with someone it is better to communicate properly either it may be oral or written helps to understand better in an effective and efficient manner to produce more and convince more thru acceptance and gives clarity. Two-way communication helps in better manner and gives scope to understand the ground reality and transforms our lives with effective implementation keeps us to update and upgrade in many ways. It gives scope for rectification and correct us where required gives a chance to improve on regular basis which helps us to avoid and face the unnecessary troubles which occur in our day-to-day activities. Be clear and crystal.
Nobody is perfect in this world. consistent performance helps to learn more and more which gives scope for continuous improvement which is better than anything else in this world. It is always better to improve on regular basis which gives us an immense pleasure and satisfaction. A satisfied person is better than a successful person. It always gives scope for improvement. Struggle alone can make it improvement in real life. Effort is the only way to discover new things in an innovative and dynamic manner to fetch the fruitful results in reality. Change yourself for good cause. Change makes everything possible. Cultivate a positive attitude. It helps us to think in positive direction to fetch the positive results in reality. Visualize and materialize and maximize as much as you can. You are the best performer in this world. Performance is key for the success. There is no short cut method for success. Success is a journey. Success will not happen instantly. It takes time. It needs effort. It invites skills. Skill development gives confidence and courage to proceed further to determine and dedicate to sacrifice and focus more on our desired goals and achieve the best with our desire and performance. Performance is key for success. Try!
In real life we cannot relax because we have to put our effort if we want to move forward. Without effort nothing will happen. Effort alone can lead towards our direction to reach safely and securely with God’s grace. God himself told that put your effort, do your best, learn as much as you can, plan well, implement it in an effective and efficient manner, then only you will get the result. Even results are not in our hands. Even if we are in plane, ship, bus whatever it is, there is no guarantee that we certainly reach and land safely to our destination. Conditions apply everywhere in this world. Belief alone moves us to put a step forward to reach miles and miles towards our destination. Mere effort is not sufficient, and it should add the God’s grace to our effort then only things will materialize. Yes, God has the power. It is fact that everything is pre-determined in this world. Still, we have to put our effort and do our best, give our best, then hope for the best is part of the process. It is the well-known fact. Nothing is in our hands. Still, we have to take measures to control, convince, confirm and feel satisfy then move forward with determination and dedication to sacrifice and focus more on our desired goals.
Life is like a circle it moves on. It is a combination of so many things happen in real life on daily basis. Life taught us many lessons. Ups and downs are common in real life. It is like a journey. We are all travelers in this journey. Each one will get down when their station comes, and the train moves on to help us to reach our destination safely and securely well in time is a fact. We all of us have to get down at one place or the other when our destination comes is the bear fact. Let us realize, accept the fact and be prepared to get down and stop your journey one day or the other. It is only a matter of time. Time proves everything. Less luggage more comfort is the best way of approach. Every day is a new opportunity. Take it as fresh and feel your level best and follow accordingly. Make your own plans and perform your level best and keep the things in order to get the things happen on its own way and wait for the opportunity. Everything happens when time comes. Just wait! Have patience! Rome was not built in a day. Things will set right when your turn comes. Realize! React! Reflect! Respond! Attitude plays a role. Cultivate positive attitude. It helps to grow in a better manner. Positive attitude gives positive results.
Be prepared yourself and be flexible! Be positive! Be ready to change yourself when required irrespective of the situation and place where you are makes you a wonderful personality and the best in real life. You can mold, you can understand, you can face, you can exist, you can adjust, you can surround yourself in any kind of event or incident to survive with the barest minimum makes an individual to survive anywhere in this universe. That is the power of will! Positive attitude! Ability to perform and adjust with reliability is the most amicable way of living gives more clarity to survive and sustain with the resources available in given time is more worth considered and make the temper in your own way where the situation demands makes an impact on the part of individual to turn as a gigantic personality and create their own path to pass by others and feel happy to remember forever. Life is not like a bed rose. Obstacles and hurdles are part of the process. One has to understand and live in this world with peace and prosperity. Then only we can create wonders and help others to our level best and perform in an effective and efficient manner as a team we work with unity for one cause with many hands make it happen in real life.
Change is scary, terrific, fearsome, frightening at the beginning looks little bit difficult and feels it is very tough to change than our routine. Because we are in comfort zone and looks strange to transform into a learning and growth zone normally most of us will not accept the change on the face of it as it is in given circumstances with the available resources in given time is the bear fact. To be frank change is a growth it leads us towards discover something in a dynamic and systematic manner to do our best and perform in a better manner to implement it in an effective and efficient manner to produce something in real life. Change is the way to move forward with great determination and dedication to sacrifice and focus more on our desired goals to reach irrespective of the obstacles and hurdles that occur during the course of its process makes it happen in reality. It creates confidence and courage to proceed further and allow us to prove and exhibit it in a positive manner to provide the situation to accept and perform better than we expect is the fact. Let us prepare ourselves to change and show some improvement on regular basis keeps us to elevate to the next level in real life. That itself is an indication for growth.
It is always better to stay in good place where you get peace of mind and feel happiness. Select the place, people, where you invest your time determines your mind the way how you transform and reflect it in a kind way of approach makes us to live long with likeminded people is the right way of living in reality. Let us not complicate your daily life with various activities which will disturb your mood and creates trouble will make it complicated and leads to stress, strain, pain, ill-health, spoil the relations leads us towards unhealthy, inconvenience in most of the time in our life is not advisable to create and feel sorry later. Plan your work at the beginning itself in such a way that it should give you peace of mind with pleasure and happiness makes it to live long and stay in better manner to survive gradually keeps us to be healthy and wealthy. Health is better than wealth. A healthy person can perform better and provide the best and prove as an outstanding performer and live as a successful individual makes to become the trendsetter, role model, and set an example to others and create a mark of respect and goodwill in long run. Help ever hurt never is the best policy. Less luggage more comfort is the right way of living.
The sky and clouds, sunrays, stars, moon, space, in perfect harmony which creates beauty in different times with different looks clubbed with mother nature is good combination to enjoy ourselves when we observe in free time to make some change in our activities while spending with nature gives us a beautiful experience and enjoy the natural creation of this beautiful world. As a matter of fact, we cannot express in words and one has to feel with their own experiences and observations while moving in seashore on full moon day or the rainbow in sky before the rain falls gives a great thrill like that a cloudy whether makes us to feel happy with breathing a fresh and fair air while walking, cycling, or swimming gives pleasure and satisfaction which inspires us to create zeal and enthusiasm within is really a rich experience one has to come across in reality. Let us enjoy such feelings as frequently as possible to shine brighter together gives more strength and stability as inspiration tribe yields more pleasant with peace of mind. Our end goal should be at the end of the day to feel happy and pleasure to get the better sleep with peace of mind is the best way of living. Let us pray the Almighty to have association with good people.
Leadership is first step to change our life in a systematic and dynamic way to bring together to work and perform better with learning new skills on regular basis makes us to update and elevate us to the next level in reality. It gives inspiration towards our journey and allow us to move forward with one step makes us to reach miles and miles to reach our destination well in time is the right way of living. Discipline is the root cause of everything! Let us rededicate ourselves with winning mindset to plan well and perform better in an effective and efficient way keeps us to think in positive direction to cultivate the positive attitude and helps to reach the positive people in right time at the right place with the right cause to achieve the right results is the right way of approach. It leads us to make an outstanding leader with better understanding of the people to hear with patience and gives scope to think towards solution by knowing the ground reality as part of leadership quality. A leader who sacrifices everything for the sake of people will be kept in mind forever. A true leader will stay in the middle of public when time demands and needs occurred will prove the real leadership quality and grow as leader.
Before doing something, it is always better to think and count the possible damages that occur while processing and plan accordingly will make us to be alert and awake well in advance to proceed further and move forward to take up the project in gigantic way helps in reality. When we start something we should have a lot of patience, ability to handle and understand the system along with “pros and cons” in such a way that to have in depth knowledge about a particular task what we take up and prove to be successful in all respects is a great challenge and create the work culture coupled with confidence and courage gives us great zeal of enthusiasm to prove as a winner with winning mindset helps a lot in real life. Skill development and technology with efficient manpower helps to select the project with deep knowledge and experience makes an individual to grow as an entrepreneur to establish an organization is worth mentioned here on this occasion. Knowledge is essential coupled with desire and determination gives more strength and ability to perform better with planning and communication skills will help to grow better and the best. Challenges are part of the process, and one has to realize and be ready to face and move forward.
It is always better to keep in mind when we do something do it with good heart without expecting anything in return which never gives any disappointment is worth mentioned and the best way of process one should follow in reality. A true leader will never expect anything from anybody and stand in the middle when people need help or support makes him/her to grow as great leader in real life. Help ever hurt never is the best way of approach. Be good and do good is the best policy. Effort alone yields the fruitful results. Your effort is your valuable asset. Effort will never go waste. It has its value and strength. It gives ability to do better and plan well in an effective and efficient manner to fetch the fruitful results in real life. Never look for short cut methods. Success will not happen instantly. Struggle alone gives the best results. Learning helps to grow in better manner. Skill development gives confidence and courage to move forward with great zeal of enthusiasm in order to fetch the best results in our day-to-day activities. Cultivate positive attitude right from early age which makes us a wonderful personality throughout our life. It makes us to grow as dynamic individual in real life. Apply technology where required.
We can say Wow when we are impressed, surprised, pleased or felt great about a particular event seen or heard makes an impact on us and try to do our best in given circumstances with the available time and resources is worthful in order to get the best out of our effort gives an immense pleasure and satisfaction. As an example, if we want to read a book the subject what we like has not been written yet, then if we write it, we get the thrill and feel pride ourselves makes an impact on the part of others will really give a kick. Writing a book is not an easy task. We have to put our effort and try to learn thru various means to understand better and put it in writing gives inspiration and happiness. Book release and review gives pleasure and satisfaction on the part of a writer. A little support and guidance makes an impact on the part of writer to improve further and relearn to rectify the lapses if any gives scope to grow in a better manner. Marlene Foster’s Empower vision made an impact on my part and given an opportunity to learn and improve on my own by learning through her articles and personal guidance made me to write another book called ATTITUDE which is in under preparation. I am glad to share the information with Soul tribe.
It is an art one has to develop and cultivate as habit how to speak? When to stop to argue with people and where to realize and reconsider to move and simply let them be wrong for their own mistakes they have committed gives us clarity and relief to proceed further on our own activities in reality. Never react too much on anything and carry forward with you to load in your brain and make it to create unnecessary pains gives us stress and strain which leads to unhealthy environment and atmosphere. It is always better try to talk less, avoid arguments, minimize your involvement on unproductive and unnecessary things in real life gives more peace and prosperity which helps to grow in better manner in our activities. Stop worrying start thinking is the best policy. Work is Worship. Do your duty. Give your best. Hope for the best. You will get the best. Talk less and work more. Your work will speak better than you. Your results will shout louder than you. They can spread all over the world. They can move faster than us. Be as performer. Be as a trend setter. Be as role model. Be as successful individual. Be as an example to others. People will realize. They follow your path which gives fruitful results in real life. Have patience. Wait!
Accept change, plan accordingly to accommodate in such a way that it should be taken care all your needs to fulfill in all respects at all times in given time with the available resources is the best way of approach. Change is must and mandatory for good cause. If we do not change the change will chase us and we are no way in this world. The world is changing very fast when compared to earlier. We should accept to update based on the needs required and apply the technology where required gives more clarity to fetch the fruitful results in reality. Digital technology helps a lot in present day world and gives more clarity to proceed further and improve our style of living in real life. You need not go anywhere; you can transact everything from your place where you live and order everything thru your cell phone and get the things done on a systematic and dynamic manner is the right way of living. It saves your energy, time and money to great extent. It is efficient and attractive to handle and avoid unnecessary troubles and unwanted arguments to the extent possible. Technology speaks better than us with more clarity in an understandable manner. It is an eyewitness for everything. Minimizes the human involvement.
Mark of existence is mark of creation on your own effort and ability to perform in a better manner gives scope to follow by others with respect to lead a peace and prosperous life gives more clarity in reality. Events are memorable and the moments are enjoyable as a mark of respect. Each moment gives an experience with memorable event that happens based on the effort we put in and the task we take up and the results what we receive depends mostly on planning, implementation, time, and the situation makes an impact on the part of people and the society at large is kept in mind. Years will pass on like seconds and minutes in real life and the past will not come back again and moves on like a river which never flows the reverse in real life. A mark is a treasure like valuable items are gold, gems, silver, diamonds, money, wealth, fortune, etc. It inspires and elevates us to the next level in real life. Create your own mark to remember forever even in our absence is really worthful. To achieve it one has to dedicate, determine, sacrifice, stay in the middle with unconditional love for the sake of others is possible and develop the leadership quality to grow as true leader and create our own mark to remember forever is possible. Try!
Motivation is a great concept! Motivate yourself! Self-motivation is the best way of approach! Never compare yourself with others! You are the king to yourself! You are the leader! You have the leadership qualities. Always think with winning mindset to get the things done in a genuine manner helps to great extent to achieve your goals well in time is the best way of approach. Be kind yourself! Kindness gives everything. Vision helps to plan well and perform better to fetch the fruitful results in reality. Recognize your progress on regular basis. Grow on daily basis makes you to get the stability and strength in real life. It inspires and aspires you to move forward with great zeal of enthusiasm in order to fetch the best in reality. Always connect and associate with likeminded people to pin something on your activities and receive the outputs will help you to improve your daily routine and make it happen in real life. Believe yourself and it gives everything. Appreciate yourself at least once a day and evaluate on daily basis makes to update and upgrade to reach to the next level in reality. Set a goal and perform. Be specific, measurable, accessible, reachable and have time bound. Your effort should be bigger than your goal. Then only you can accomplish your goal in reality. Commit yourself! Burning desire makes you to commit and happen in reality.
I like both! (1) Performance (2) Endure and (3) Focus. Performance is key for success! It helps us to learn and solve all our problems. It is possible thru effort. Effort alone can yield the best. Consistent effort gives consistent results. Practice makes us perfect. It creates confidence and courage to determine and dedicate to sacrifice and focus more on our desired goals. It helps to set a goal and try to achieve it. Set a goal and perform accordingly. Your effort should be bigger than your goal. Then only it is possible to achieve it. All the glitters are not gold. If you want gold, you should dig it deeply. You cannot get it on surface. There is no short cut method for success. It will not happen instantly. It needs patience coupled with skill and will make it happen. Thought process is ultimate! An idea can change this world! Planning and implementation is part of the process. Success and failure are the two sides of the same coin. Always look in positive side and it helps to cultivate a positive attitude. Attitude plays a key role! It helps us to think in positive way to reach the positive people for acquiring the positive thoughts and achieve the positive results. Focus gives clarity! It helps to know better and the best.
It is always better and advisable to shift from the present status to the next level with a view that we should update and upgrade thru learning various means elevates us to the peak in reality. It is our duty and also responsibility to grow as good human being. God has given us an opportunity to think and rethink by applying our brain for doing good things in this world to help ourselves and the others as well to the extent possible. It gives us an immense pleasure and satisfaction by doing so. If you give more, you will get more. Do your best! Give your best! Hope for the best! You will get the best! Believe! Belief gives us everything. Try to be as Philosopher, to initiate and Master from mind to body to soul. From knowledge, to experience to wisdom. From thinking, to doing, to being. It is very difficult and tough exercise to create something new in real life. It is possible once we determine and focus more with positive attitude makes it happen with winning mindset we can win! run! fun! Enjoy every moment in reality! Be happy with the available resources. Remember! Resources are limited! We should conserve the resources! Try to use carefully! Always feel that you are fortunate! Pray the Almighty and show your gratitude! Love!
Skill development is ultimate! It has its own source thru our own willpower and ability to understand and organize in dynamic and systematic manner helps us to grow as gigantic personality in real life. We can improve on our own thru reading, writing, thinking, presenting, showing, telling, observing, understanding, teaching, giving, in depth knowledge can be obtained thru motivation and inspiration gives aspiration to produce more in an innovative manner helps to discover and yields the fruitful results in reality. It is like a ocean. Knowledge has no limit. It is abundant! If you dig it, deeply goes as much as possible. It is never ending process. Let us try to accumulate with positive attitude and consider to an extent where we can understand in better manner can be shared with others will give us pleasure and satisfaction and the person who receives it further learn as much as possible and regenerate their level best and continue to the future. Like that it is a continuous process which shows the light and gives the power in the form of knowledge one can understand in better manner to know the ground reality gives the information in a possible manner. Network is net worth. Be connected! Be realized! Be skillful! Be willful!
The female forward is a great concept for celebrating the future more conducive for the working women as the women’s collective effort to lead the role as women lead development will empower them to create their own world in corporate sector and rest of the world at large is the bear fact. The future is in their hands and create the best with their ability and effort they can prove as responsible and accountable individuals in reality. Transformation helps to large extent in this respect and inspires them to grow as more powerful leaders as the situation prevailed in given time makes them to reach new heights in real life. Women empowerment is strong with the help of equal partner in national growth. Diversification helps in ecosystem requires special programs and teams to drive the culture of inclusion to inspect and amplify efforts around diversity. Women in their roles with the objective of understanding corporate world is doing to retain women workforce, train and encourage them to improve their skills to continue and grow as dynamic leaders in their roles is good sign for the future female forward as women-lead empowerment is not too far in the given circumstances and the situation prevailed. The future is here. Encourage the mission.
Being an elite performer we should know our potentiality and perform accordingly. Utilize the maximum extent to reach your destination and be ready willingly to move forward to fetch the fruitful results in long run and achieve your goals well in time is the best way of approach. Performance is not the way to measure and try to know your own ability and strength towards reaching your goals is the potentiality which we should apply and get the maximum output. Under or not utilization of your full potentiality makes an individual to produce the less output than reality. It is always better to focus more on your potentiality and plan accordingly to get the maximum benefit out of your effort and the job you do it is more worthful and valuable to consider and keep it in mind to apply with a sense makes an individual to grow in a better manner. God has created us to do our best and give our best in the given time and circumstances prevailed with the available resources is a God given gift and we should utilize it to our level best and prove as elite performers and stay in the minds of public by virtue of our work which creates the mark in long run and stay in their hearts forever is the best way of living. Grow and develop on your own.
It is an art to design in your own way! Create the path the way how you like it and make it the way it should be useful to others that it creates more than others and gives wonderful thoughts in such a way that they should be given more satisfaction and pleasure than anyone in this universe and keep up all the time with great desires and determination with dedication to sacrifice and focus more on your desired goals is the best way of approach in real life. Slow progress is better than no progress. Slow and steady wins the race is the best way of approach. Something is better than nothing. A satisfied person is better than a successful person. Satisfaction plays crucial role. Rome was not built in a day. Everything will take its own time. Time plays a vital role in this world. It has its value. There is no short cut method for success. Success is a journey not the destination. Move on! Never stop in the middle till you reach your destination irrespective of the obstacles and hurdles that occur in real life. Be like river Ganges. It will never flow reverse! Innovative approach gives innovative results. Be like a tree and set an example to others. It will never expect anything from others. It gives all the time and grow as usual.
Time is the God given gift! All of us have the same time to utilize and get the results depending on the way how we utilize and apply with our own skills and abilities to perform and prove as a successful individuals in this universe. There is no free lunch in this world. We have to pay for everything. Certain things like the time, natural resources, are free to use and be benefited with God’s grace is one of the best ways to make use of them with our mind gives us pleasure and happiness. Never waste the resources which are not ours and we have no right to disturb and we can not create once if we spoil or waste we can not get back in reality. One has to understand and do their best and enjoy the nature in such a way that as long as we are in this world and make others to feel happy even after us the future generations will continue to enjoy the natural resources as God gift and make them in a better place to the extent possible gives us pleasure and satisfaction. As humans it is our duty and responsibility to preserve the treasure of nature for our future generations is cautioned in this respect. Utilize the time and resources in an innovative manner to create something new and in useful manner to the rest of people after we use.
It is always better to have curiosity to discover and learn new things which gives us more knowledge thru various means is worth mentioned here on this occasion. Thought process is ultimate! An idea can change this world to great extent. It gives us an abundant knowledge in various forms thru different means if we apply our brain in systematic and dynamic manner gives scope to improve in all respects at all times on all occasions is a fact. Experience is the key for everything. Your life is your experience. You are the best teacher for yourself. Self education is the best way of learning. Technology provides everything. We can use the e-library or google search anything we need we get the information immediately on hand to decide and determine to proceed further it helps us in many ways. Look for new opportunities. Try to learn as much as you can. It helps a lot to move forward with great zeal of enthusiasm in order to fetch the fruitful results in real life. It gives scope to grow in right manner with right people at the right time in right place with right cause for acquiring the right results is the right way of approach. Soft skills will help us to be smart to get the smart results. Be wider and enrich your mindset helps lot!
To say frankly a person who talks bad about somebody will always talk bad about you also somewhere else. It is the well known fact. One has to be understood carefully and plan accordingly to be wise and aware yourself with bad and gossipers. A person who flatters more about him/her than others are not trustworthy. We can consider them as selfish and think that they are not broad minded. Try to be good as much as possible and cultivate positive attitude to accept and receive good to the extent possible gives us better knowledge and make us wise to think in right perception. Owners pride neighbors envy is the best quote to mention here is suitable. Never compare with others and look for your own growth and struggle to improve and analyze, evaluate and appreciate to expand the knowledge as much as possible will help to learn more and more thru various means makes us to be wise. Wisdom gives everything! As long as our intentions are good everyone will help us in this universe. Be broad minded. Be good! Be reliable! Be responsible! Be active! Listen carefully! Listening is an art! A good listener can understand better to know the ground reality. Observe the surroundings carefully! Plan accordingly! We are humans! Try to live together!
Winning culture helps winning attitude! Winning attitude develops winning mindset! Winning mindset makes us to face the challenges that occur on regular basis creates the bright future and make it settle well in a dynamic and systematic manner to lead our carreer as great individual to prove to this world. Your legacy defines based on the problems you tackle and handle in such a way that they should not make you to shake or fear under any circumstances in a given situation or the time you can do it with your experience. Experience is key for facing the problems and solve them with confidence and courage which helps us to determine and dedicate to sacrifice and focus more on our desired goals. Knowledge tells us how to deal than what in real life. Awareness helps to awake and arise! Know how is the basic need to lead our day to day requirements. Prioritize your needs based on the requirements. Plan well and perform better to fetch the fruitful results. Thought process is ultimate! Critical thinking helps the objective analysis and evaluation of an issue in order to form a judgement. It makes us to understand in better manner to know the ground reality. As a result, we can work out and do our best in given situation and plan well.
Be good to yourself is always better and the best! Be happy and enjoy the life with the available resources and time gives peace of mind. Never pin point or finger out others under any circumstances at any cost. Try to digest and minimize your mistakes to the extent possible. Unwarranted comments makes to misunderstand and spoil relations. You are the person with you forever. Love yourself! Love your work! Live peacefully! Never give a chance to point out by somebody. Be kind with self-care. Help ever hurt never is the best way of approach. None of us are permanent here. People will come and go. Events will happen in real life. Accept everything! Change is must and mandatory for good cause. It is inevitable! It is part of the nature! God has created us to lead the life wisely. The brain has given to think better and do the best and get the best out of it. Look for the best! Think better! Perform the best! You will get the best! Believe! Belief gives everything! You are the performer and winner. Winning mindset helps to get everything in reality. It helps us to achieve our desired goals. It makes us to live in this world in a better manner. Be reliable! Be Wise! Be honest! Honesty is the best policy. Sincerety gives everything.
Be as human! Behave as human! Human values are most essential and apply accordingly. Application of brain is ultimate! Who is right is not the criteria! Fulfilling the needs are kept in mind all the times. Live and love together gives strength. Unity gives clarity! Be kind enough! Be helpful! Identifying the needs and requirements is part of leadership quality. It is an art! One has to cultivate this habit as a matter of respect. Stay hungry! Necessity is the mother of invention! Situation makes to work and live in this world. Work is Worship! Duty is Divine! Do your duty! Do your best! Give your best! Hope for the best. You will get the best! Believe! Belief gives everything. It makes us to perform and plan well in an effective and efficient manner to proceed and follow accordingly. Live and let live! It is part of the process! Be simple and humble! Talent is required. It is essential to survive in this world. It is a God given gift! It helps us to lead a better life. At the same time try to look others those who need the help with basic needs to fulfill is our duty and responsibility as human to take care in society. Balance everything! Take care of near and dear. We are part of the world. Pray the Almighty to help others. You should be in a position to give others. Application of brain is must. Common sense helps a lot! Be simple and humble! Be honest! Honesty is the best policy.
Hopes and aspirations are part of the process! Be an optimistic! Show your gratitude towards everything! God is great! After all we are human beings! We do not know what happens in the next moment! We are here to do our best, give our best, hope for the best, we will get the best out of our effort. Positive attitude gives positive results. Think twice before you do something and plan accordingly. The road is not smooth all the times. Ups and downs are part of the process. Jerks will happen! Obstacles and hurdles will occur in between. Be prepared! Be ready to face all the challenges that occur on daily basis. Everything looks nice! All the glitters are not gold. Nothing happens without struggle. Effort alone gives the fruitful results. Your effort is your valuable asset. Be quiet and calm! Be wise! Action plays a role! Be action and result oriented. Be practical! Be as a performer. Performance alone gives us the best results in real life. Be a learner! Learning is a life long process. Self evaluation helps to update and upgrade us on daily basis. Appreciate yourself based on progress you achieve on regular basis which gives an immense pleasure and satisfaction. Satisfaction plays a role! A satisfied person is better than a successful person. Success is a journey not the destination.
Shift yourself to work on right now! Act now! Live in your present! Your presence is most valuable than anything in this world. Present yourself and perform to get the best with immediate effect makes us to be alert and awake to aware everything in reality. Do it right now is the best way of approach. No matter where you are and move forward with great zeal makes you to reach your goal well in time is the fact in real life. If you are on the way you will certainly reach your destination. Some one or the other will lift you up! Where there is will there is a way! Willful exercise gives willful results. Mindful exercise gives mindful results. Your effort is your valuable asset. There is no short cut method for success. Struggle alone gives the best results. Declare in public gives clarity about your goal. It makes and wakes you all the time even in sleep it asks to get up and perform to fetch the fruitful results in real life. Goal setting is must! Set a goal! Achieve it! You are the performer! You are the successful person! You are the trend setter! You are the role model! Create your own path! Let others follow you based on the path what you make will give the way to others. That gives thrill! Do it now! You are there forever in the minds of others!
Imagination helps to desire and design to get something to acquire thru our will and wish to work accordingly makes us to believe that we can achieve based on the experience we have and the skillset gives confidence and courage to proceed further with one step forward makes us to reach miles and miles towards our destination in real life to achieve and accomplish our goals well in time is the right way of approach. Forward thinking gives forward results. Never look back and stop never in the middle once determined and dedicated to sacrifice and focus more towards your goals should happen as per the commitment. Vision helps to imagine and plan well to perform and implement it in an effective and efficient manner to achieve our desired goals with our effort makes it happen in reality. Willpower leads us to move forward. It gives strength to proceed with burning desire helps to work in dynamic manner makes it happen with our own will and skill yields the fruitful results in real life. Mindset is ultimate! Cultivate a positive mindset! It makes to think in positive direction to reach the positive people for acquiring positive thoughts to achieve the positive results is the best way of living in reality. It leads to move with winning mindset.
“ The measure of intelligence is the ability to change” – Albert Einstein
” Things change. And friends leave. Life doesn’t stop for anybody.” – Stephen Chobsky
“ Change is the law of life, and those who look only to the past and present are certain to miss the future” – John F. Kennedy
“ You have many habits that weaken you. The secret of change is to focus all your energy not on fighting the old, but on building the new.” – Socrates