The True Value of Contrary Voices in Leadership - ZorbaBooks

The True Value of Contrary Voices in Leadership

Encourage to express, Feedback gives clarity, Decision making is crucial and complex. Listening is an art. Listen carefully.

  • “A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way.” – John C Maxwell

We should listen, understand, realize, respect, the true value of contrary voices in leadership. When somebody explains something against others with clear cut guidelines and good intentions we should consider the merits of arguments into consideration as a leader for the sake of growth and improvement makes an impact on the part of organization. Hearing is an art. Careful listening helps us to consolidate, co-ordinate, co-operate, communicate to convince and confirm to move forward with great determination and dedication to sacrifice and focus more on our goals and fetch the fruitful results in reality. Decision making is crucial and complex. Team spirit gives confidence and courage ability to perform and prove as a successful leader. A leader should have dream and vision to understand better to know the ground realities and assess with right way of approach with right people at right time in right place with right cause yields the right results. Belief makes everything with proper checks and careful observation helps to large extent. Creating an environment itself makes the people feel happy gives pleasure and satisfaction. When we come out from comfort zone we prepare to hear others. Then only things will set right as expected.

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Bijibilla Rama Rao