Try to set an impossible goal
Travelling back in time to undo a mistake you made. An impossible list is a place to set goals, from getting good grades to climbing mountains. Track the goals you accomplish and push yourself even further.
“Goals seem impossible until you actually reach them! Always remember it.” — Unknown
Goal setting is must and mandatory! All of us should set a goal and plan well to implement it and perform effectively and efficiently in consisting manner with our sincere effort makes us to reach like minded people to share our views and invite their suggestions to improve further with learning attitude makes us to become strong and stable will help us to fetch the fruitful results in real life. Mindset helps us to large extent to proceed and move forward with positive attitude to understand better and the best to know the ground realities and utilize the resources available in given time makes us to grow together as one community. Dream big achieve big is the right way of approach. Honesty and integrity is the best policy. Never look for short gains and short cut methods which will waste your time and energy. Instead of doing hundred things in a day it is better to set the big goal and review it frequently preferably on daily basis gives some satisfaction and strength to evaluate and appreciate yourself with self motivation makes you to reach step by step to climb high as much as you can helps you to elevate to the next level in reality. Your own effort is your key to play wisely in the field with great determination and dedication to sacrifice and focus more on your desired goals. SWOT and SMART analysis will help to reach fast your destination safely and securely well in time is the best way of approach in your journey. Once we set a big goal our perception will change and think in new direction to learn and improve the things on regular basis makes us to enlighten further to find the ways to know better and the best manner keeps us to fit in the task designed and developed creates a path to show others and join us to extend their help and gain together makes some sense and gives a meaning to our journey in this universe. Burning desire creates to push forward and makes it happen.