What is your superpower? - ZorbaBooks

What is your superpower?

Super power describes a state or super national union that holds a dominant position characterized by the ability to exert influence or project power on a global scale.

“Having a superpower has nothing to do with ability to fly or jump, or super human strength. The truest superpowers are the ones we all possess: Willpower, integrity, and most importantly, courage.” — Jason Reynolds

“Flying is like the ultimate superpower; it is just, like, the coolest thing.” — Logon Henderson

“When you launch in a rocket, you are not really flying that rocket. You are just sort of hanging on.” — Michael P. Anderson

Doing ordinary things in extraordinary ways makes us to become superpower and considered as a successful individual in reality. Do your job on a regular basis gives confidence and credibility. It gives courage to face the challenges that occur on daily routine keeps us to prove and perform better and the best in comprehensive way gives more clarity. Clarity gives capacity. Capacity gives strength to stay strong and stable. Stability gives ability to move forward with one step to reach miles and miles in our journey to reach our destination makes it happen in real time. Where there is will there is a way. Burning desire helps to plan well and perform better and the best to get the fruitful results in ground level. Willpower is ultimate. Determination and dedication are key to sacrifice and gives the experience. Your life is your experience. You are the best judge for yourself. Self-motivation is the best way of approaching. Motivate yourself. Evaluate yourself. Appreciate yourself. Enjoy your journey. Love yourself and your work. Work alone gives the best results. Work is Worship. Duty is Divine. Do your duty. Hope for the best. You will get the best. Learn and earn more knowledge. Knowledge is powerful. It helps to improve our skills. Skill development is a continuous and consistent activity one has to bear in mind and follow accordingly. Training helps to learn and improve on our own. Coaching gives guidance and support. It updates and upgrades us to the next level in reality. It also elevates us peak to reach and climb the uphill is a step-by-step process. Nothing happens instantly. Gradually we grow over a period of time. Everything takes some time to prove. It is better to realize and recollect ourselves to find the ways and means on a steady basis. There is no shortcut method for success. Success is a journey not the destination. Success ladder shows the path to climb up step by step. We can’t reach in one step nor plunge to touch the top hill in one stroke. Struggle alone gives results. Your struggle is your valuable asset. Effort alone gives the results. Your willpower is your superpower. It alone works like a jet plane. It can rise high and high. It flows like a water fall and spread it everywhere to flourish and gives brightness in and around the place where it spreads.

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Bijibilla Rama Rao