What makes you angry? - ZorbaBooks

What makes you angry?

Anger can be caused by both external and internal events. We can feel angry for many different reasons. It might be because of a difficult situation we are experiencing. Something that happened to us in the past.

“Anger is nothing more than an outward expression of hurt, fear and frustration.” — Gracious Quotes.com

“Never respond to an angry person with a fiery comeback, even if he deserves it. Don’t allow his anger to become your anger.” — Quotesgram.com

“You will not be punished for your anger; you will be punished by your anger.” — Lord Buddha

Angry in any form is not a good sign! It disturbs us from all walks of life. It creates stress and strain, finally spoils our relationship with everyone and leads to feel ill-health in so many ways. It creates an unpleasant environment and leads us towards difficult times in daily life. Never see and feel yourself to get angry on anything and everything. We get nothing out of angry except blood pressure and waste of time. Instead, it is better to cool down and try to digest the system in a systematic and dynamic way with better understanding of the facts and figures to solve the problem if any occurred while dealing with others or family and friends. It is very easy to mention and difficult to digest. It needs practice, patience, experience, understanding capacity, awareness gives ability to some extent to solve the problems that occurred on regular basis. It is step by step process. Everything takes time. Nothing happens overnight or instantly. It also depends on the size of the problem to react and reply cautiously and carefully. There is no unsolved problem in this world. Every problem has some solution or the other. Apply your brain. Application is a must and mandatory. Thought process gives an idea. An idea can change everything. A lot of support and guidance is required in this respect. Co-ordination and co-operation help to a great extent. Communication plays a key role. Effective communication gives effective results. Our own behavior, way of handling the problem, treating the other person will occupy first place. It gives major relief on the part of the receiver. The majority of the problem is solved here itself. Negotiation helps to some extent. Win-win strategy gives more clarity. Try to fit in their show and think from the opposite person’s angle and try to solve the problem to come out of the situation as soon as possible is the best way of approaching. The way of approach gives great flexibility. Try to be simple and humble in a comprehensive manner. As long as our intentions are good people can understand better. Live and let live is the best policy. Help ever hurt never is the law of life. Always pay compensation with mutual understanding. It gives great relief. Never argue with others. Never create heat and tough situations which end with troubles. Obstacles and hurdles are part of the process. Have patience. Wait for the opportunity to get the better time. Time solves everything. Time has more power than us. Time heals everything. Nothing will wait for us. It moves on. The world has to move forward. No one bothers about us. Just do your duty. Duty is Divine. Do your best. Give your best. Hope for the best. You will get the best. Be happy and enjoy your journey. You are the best in this world. You can solve all kinds of problems. Believe! Belief gives everything. It inspires and empowers us in many ways. Be people oriented. Be part of the society. After all we are human beings. Everything is predetermined. Nothing is in our hands. We can only plan well and perform better and the best. Rest will automatically takes care of. There is one power beyond us. Whatever name you call it is a fact. That power alone runs this universe. It is the fact. Just be cool and proceed. Joy of life is joy of everything. It makes miracles. Be helpful to others. Always try to give something. Giving is pleasing.

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Bijibilla Rama Rao