Patriotism - ZorbaBooks



 Where will I get this wonderful land from,

admist all pain and sufferings,

which my motherland has gone through,

the tortures and cries of martyrs,

that the English gave to her and the cruelest of times mother India went through to regain her self esteem and independance


all of those who collapsed on the borders trying to protect her and give her back her identity,

a lot has India gone through and all those who have tried to protect her have given her their life and in Patriotism by faith become martyrs.

Today I take pride in myself,

that I am an Indian,

Patriotism is my faith and virtue and

independance is my birthright

and my goal is to make my nation upright

and proud of having me and I will do whatsoever to protect my nation.

The flag soars high in the air and so my spirits on this day.

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