Sri Chaitanya Dev: A Great Philosopher of India - ZorbaBooks

Sri Chaitanya Dev: A Great Philosopher of India

Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu was born on the full moon night of 18 February in 1486 A.D. at the time of the lunar eclipse at Navadwip in the district of Nadia of West Bengal in a Brahmin family. His childhood name was Viswambhar or Nimai. His father Jagannath Mishra and mother Sachidevi brought him up with great care and affection. Nimai studied in Sanskrit school and became a great pundit in Sanskrit Literature, Grammar, and Logic. After formal education, he married Lakshmi. But gradually he developed a sense of remorse towards worldly affairs.

At the age of twenty-two, Nimai traveled to Gaya to offer homage to his deceased father. There he met a hermit named Iswarapuri. Iswarapuri initiated Nimai by giving him the ‘Krishnamantra.’ This brought about a change in the life of Nimai. This meeting was to mark a significant change in Chaitanya’s outlook and upon his return to Bengal the local Vaishnavas, headed by Advaita Acharya, were stunned at his external sudden ‘change of heart’ (from ‘scholar’ to ‘devotee’), and soon Chaitanya became the eminent leader of their Vaishnava group within Nadia. Often Nimai chanted the name of Krishna and would fall into a trance.

In a mood of ecstasy while chanting the name of Krishna he would lose his sense. He preached that through devotional music and dance, one could lose oneself and experience the presence of God. Sri Chaitanya returned to Navadwip and most of the time he stayed unmindful. Finally, in 1510 A.D. he renounced the world and accepted the life of a hermit. Hereafter he was known as Chaitanya.

Religious Tenets of Sri Chaitanya

Chaitanya’s religious tenets were still simpler than Kabir and Nanak. Hundreds of people were enchanted by his words. His ‘Kirtans’ became famous all over India. Hence within a very short period, Chaitanya and his views cast a deep influence on the people. The fundamental thrust of Sri Chaitanya’s religion was ‘love,’ and love for Krishna was the mainstay of his religion. He stressed that mere utterance of the names of Krishna and Radha could drive one to ecstasy. By uttering the name of Krishna and by having a deep faith in one’s guru or preceptor, one could attain salvation. Since this was the easiest path toward liberation. It became easily acceptable to the people.

Finding a true perception is difficult nowadays. But what you can do is chant the holy name of Krishna and Radha. This practice makes one happy. Let me tell you a story. I have a friend with whom I studied in college and university. We are friends for more than three decades now. He at first married a girl; it was an arranged marriage. But due to some unknown reasons, the bride left him within a month of marriage. At that time he was teaching in a college as a guest lecturer. One of his students would love him; often bring cooked food for him. She also started taking tuition with him. Soon they came closer. They got married. They lived together for about 18 years. The couple was living happily, purchased a flat in Kolkata, and started earning lakhs of rupees in a month. Life was going on smoothly. Suddenly, his wife fell in love with a handsome security guard in her office. By the by they had no issue. Tension began to brew. One day I heard that they have been separated mutually and his wife got married to the security guard, who is also already married with one school-going child.

Further, my friend got married to a beautiful woman with a daughter of 16 years old. Problems started within a week of their marriage. The new wife did not sleep with him in the same bed. The woman is often seen being dropped off by different persons on the road near their flat. Often costly gifts came by courier; costly food also was ordered. In such a situation, he met one (spiritual) taxi driver, who suggested him to visit the ISCON temple at Ballygunge. He now visits daily to a Krishna temple, and chants the japmala (chanting garland) 16 times a day with Hare Krishna Hare Krishna… He told me over the phone yesterday that he is feeling mentally happy now.

Social Reforms of Sri Chaitanya

Sri Chaitanya was a social reformer. He raised his voice against casteism. He said every individual is entitled to worship God, and for that purpose, one’s caste, creed, or status is not essential. The spirit of love within a man was enough for worshipping God. He accepted Brahmins, Sudras, Chandalas, Muslims, and his disciples and created a bond of fraternity among them. The ‘Yavana’ Haridas was his greatest devotee. His other great message to mankind was ‘to love all living beings.’ Chaitanya accepted certain fundamental principles of the Sankhya philosophy.

According to this, there was no difference between the name of God and his incarnation. Hence, one could easily attain salvation merely by uttering His name with love and devotion instead of worshipping his different incarnations. This is absolutely true. I just shared a fact in my friend’s life. By merely uttering the holy name one can live happily and peacefully. Sri Chaitanya’s preaching created a new awakening in the religious firmament of India. It mesmerized people with a divine sense of love. Bengal, Orissa, and Vrindaban were counted as the main centers of Vaisnavism. His personality and preaching of love endeared him to people in all parts of India.

His Teachings

Lord Chaitanya’s direct teachings are recorded in Sanskrit verses called Siksastakam (though, in Vaishnava Padavali it is said: “Chaitanya himself wrote many songs on the Radha-Krishna theme”). Chaitanya’s epistemological, theological, and ontological teachings are summarized as ten root principles called Dasa Mula.

1. The statements of amnaya (scripture) are the chief proof. By these statements, the following nine topics are taught.

2. Krishna is the Supreme Absolute Truth.

3. Krishna is endowed with all energies.

4. Krishna is the source of all rasa – flavor, quality, or spiritual rapture/emotions.

5. The jivas (individual souls) are all separated parts of the Lord.

6. In the bound state (non-liberated) the jivas are under the influence of matter, due to their

 tatastha (marginal) nature.

7. In the liberated state the jivas are free from the influence of matter.

8. The jivas and the material world are both different from and identical to the Lord.

9. Pure devotion is the only way to attain liberation.

10. Pure love of Krishna is the ultimate goal.

Philosophy of Chaitanya

Sri Chaitanya Deb created a devotional sensation in the hearts of millions of general people through his simple philosophy of love for people and chanting the names of Radha and Krishna. Swami Tapasyananda in his recently published book Bhakti Schools of Vedanta said that Sri Chaitanya’s philosophy is based on three aspects. The “Svarupa- Sakti has three aspects known as Sandhini, Sambit, and Hladini, corresponding to the Supreme Being as Sat (Existence), Chit (Consciousness), and Ananda (Bliss). Sandhini, corresponding to the attribute of Sat (Existence), is the energy of the Lord by which He sustains His existence as also of the Jivas and the Worlds. Samvit, corresponding to Chit (Consciousness), is His knowledge-nature by which He has Self-knowledge and also knows others and endows others with knowledge. Hladini, corresponding to Ananda (Bliss) is the energy by which He enjoys His own innate Bliss and makes others enjoy the same.”

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Keshab Chandra Mandal
West Bengal