GOOD WILL WIN - ZorbaBooks


In the path around the celestial bodies,

Through the crowded space without calamity,

Creating day and night and the mighty seasons

Moves the earth through the orbit. THE GOOD WON


Fresh and clean, know not from where,

Blows the air to breathe and live,

Green, blue or yellow it bears no colour,

But adds the colour needed to our lives and is called air- Good won


Some say round and some say flat,

Whatever the shape may be,

A platform to move and grow your food,

It provides a place and is called earth. Good won


Glowing light to shed the darkness, 

Add warmth from biting cold, and

Cook your need to quell the hunger,

A good friend and a bad enemy that is fire. Good won


Water, water here and there,

 Roaring oceans flowing rivers,

Quench your thirst to your fill,

But Stay at bay, and keep away. Good Won


A big broad plain with winking stars

Fly or Glide as you will,

Shoot not the stars and make others ill

The sky is a playing ground, not a war zone for War.

                                                                    Good won

 Above one, and one above all

The soul is a place of peace but

Not a zone of war

Restore therefore think and act . Good won


The spine and the brain use it with care

That the creator in the oblivion

Feels that you be blissfully blessed

and you may live a blessed life. Good won


Nature blessing from the omnipresent

enriches the goodness in the wellness

The power of which, you can feel,

That exhibits of valour

 that you and I cannot see. Good won


What you need is at your feet

Use it not waste it at your will

Dwell in it and enjoy your life,

As there is nothing more you need, Good won


The evil lurks here, there and everywhere

Not to fear, good prevails everywhere

And overwhelms in the form of Dharma

Dharma is GOD, God is Dharma/   Good won

Say it loud GOOD WON


APPRECIATION is the key word that should prevail.

                                                             Siva R.Maniam,

Neelamayils 2004 


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  1. Siva R.MANIAM says:

    Thank you Sir/Madam for your kind attention to my poem published in your esteemed ZORBABOOKS organization. I have written a few more poems. If acceptable I will submit. THANKS

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