“Wow!, That’s amazing!”, I said. It was a mesmerizing hole with some glitter and sparks, it was a total flat disco ball, I also saw cloaks, wands, swords, staffs, and many bottles with some liquid or sparkling water or like people say PIXIE DUST in the disco ball, and more! Just Beautiful I was spellbound. Thinking it would be fun, without a second thought, I jumped in! After a lot of whooshes and BANGS, CRASHes, BOOMs, and POWs! later, I heard a huge BAM!

Wait what? The sky is pink?! The ground is blue and the hills are red?! Everybody was wearing blue, yellow and silver, there were griffins, (I’ll tell you more, They were huge creatures with the body, tail and back legs of a lion but the front legs were talons and the wings and head of an eagle! Kept it in a bracket so they couldn’t hear it) wolves with wings, multicolored dragons, dwarves, and more! What was that world? Suddenly a new whoosh came through me, I saw the grass dancing in the direction of the air, the earth was SHAKING, and everything got BLURRY “ Great, I’m falling agaaaaa…….AIN!”, I thought.

There it was HUGE, and SPIKEY and MAGNIFICENT…… WAAAAAIT….. WHAT???? It was a dragon in SEA GREEN COLOR, that had just got me in his claws and was trying to hurl me on his BACK?!

What in the world was just that?! “YELLLLOW!”, The dragon spoke, “ I don’t have a name but you can name me whenever you want! This isn’t La La Land but it’s ZAZZY VALLEY.” “Cheesesticks!!!” I said. “Give me some time.”

Next, we took a tour and saw even more things, I saw a lizard SOOOOOOO huge it could have eaten the humpback whale (ZE’ LARGEST ANIMAL IN ZA’ WORLLLD!) and a LARGE FLYING CAT!, Despite those animals, I finally saw mermaids, unicorns and even a HUGE PHEONIX! ‘Round the valleys and had some fun near a huge lake and then an amazing castle, “Sage, that’s an amazing name for you!” I exclaimed. “OH WOWWWEEE!“ he replied, now I looked down there were two black things, Sage said they were little nothings. Always negative. I told Sage I needed to go to them. There I asked them about their problem and if I could help. It turned out they felt like nothin’. “ It happens to all of us. And we shouldn’t let that stop us from doing anything.” I said “You put negativity behind you and don’t fritter. Life is full of surprises. Different feelings and more. We can’t pucker up about our faces and sit, and do what we need to. Let me tell you something, ACCEPT YOURSELF, LOVE YOURSELF, AND KEEP MOVING FORWARD. IF YOU WANT TO FLY YOU HAVE TO GIVE UP WHAT WEIGHS YOU DOWN. – Roy T. Bennett”

“Nice” sage said, “moving towards the king!”. We flew again toward the castle to meet the king and………. “No one’s ever going to like me.”, Why your Majesty?” “Please call me Charles and to answer your question. I am crying because I am a coward!” “Please Charles what you need are good friends “I said”. A star goes and comes back, If you change the way you look at things then the things you look at, change – Dr. Wayne Dyer. Sage now wanted to get me home safely. He was patient and kind. Afterwards, he took me to the portal and I jumped in “BYE SAGE HOPE YOU’LL NEVER NOT REMEMBER MEEEE…………”.


Academic integrity


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  1. Wow! This is amazing! You took me to a new magical world altogether! Who wouldn’t want to be in a world full of colours? Thank you for the ride! The best part about this story is interwoven quotes which make it interesting and not preachy! Keep writing and let your thoughts out for others to read and inspire

  2. Amazing Story written, as if it is visually narrated. The description is so simple and detailed that you can actually visualize the scenic view the author is trying to portray. The ending is also catchy. Nice one!!!

  3. Maitree J Pathak says:

    This is a delightful adventure brimming with imagination! The fantastical world you’ve created is captivating, from the shimmering disco ball entrance to the colorful landscape teeming with griffins and flying cats. Your writing paints a vivid picture that sparks the reader’s imagination. The story itself is a whirlwind of exciting encounters, keeping the reader engaged from start to finish.

    Most importantly, the message about self-acceptance and overcoming negativity is clear and inspiring. The interaction with the “little nothings” is particularly touching, and the message of perseverance resonates beautifully. You’ve created a cast of endearing characters, with Sage the dragon offering both patience and kindness.

    This is a fun and imaginative story with a strong message – keep up the great work!

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Meera Pathak