Admission For paradise - ZorbaBooks

Admission For paradise

Disclaimer: This poem is presented in a fictional, imaginative mode, meant solely for artistic expression, not endorsing or encouraging real-world actions.



Prison, a beguiling sight it may seem,

A realm apart, where silence gleams.

From the figure above, an oddity they’d decree,

You might think me mad, my fantasy free.


Certainly, fervor ignites my inner flame,

Within this world of disrepute and shame.

For if you’re destitute, this place can bestow,

A life of abundance, a secret to know.


In the Calaboose, courtesy you’ll find,

A con treated well, a rare kind.

Advantage, they offer meals for free,

A tempting deal, for you and me.


But beware, the label you’ll receive,

“Hostage,” they say, and you must believe.


Now, if you dare to venture there,

Procure some boomerangs, if you dare.

Why, you ask, are they the key?

To enter this world, I’ll shortly decree.


Take boomerangs in your steady hand,

Visit a politician’s house, the grandstand.

Patiently wait for the moment’s grace,

Aim your weapon in this daring chase.


Fear not, don’t flee from this game of fate,

For the inception we anticipate.

Soon, a police wagon will make its way,

To carry you hence, no delay.


But remember well, the tale to invent,

You acted with consent, a vital intent.


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N. Hemanth