Bound Skies - ZorbaBooks

Bound Skies

In the tapestry of life, a thread so fine,

Weaving bonds that forever intertwine.

Through storms and sunshine, side by side we’ve stood,

In the embrace of friendship, misunderstood.


With every sunrise and each twilight’s gleam,

You’ve been the anchor in life’s raging stream.

Through valleys low and mountains high,

Together we’ve soared, beneath the same sky.


Your presence, a beacon, guiding the way,

In moments of darkness, you’ve been the ray.

In the echoes of memories, forever enshrined,

In the palace of friendship, you’ll always find.


As you embark on a journey anew,

Know that my heart sails alongside you.

Though farewells may bring a tear’s embrace,

In the tapestry of friendship, there’s no space.


For distance may part, but never sever,

The ties that bind us, strong and clever.

So here’s to you, my steadfast guide,

In the dance of life, forever by my side.


As you spread your wings and take flight,

May your path be bathed in golden light.

And though we bid farewell with a bittersweet end,

Know you’ll always be my cherished friend.

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N. Hemanth