Endless Echoes of Love - ZorbaBooks

Endless Echoes of Love

This life can feel so tough and cruel, 

When you realize, with a broken rule, 

You’ve lost the one you deeply care, 

And now, your world feels stripped and bare. 


Especially when love’s at stake, 

Living without them makes your heart ache. 

For in that moment, they’re your light, 

Your center, your day, your endless night. 


Though others say, “Move on, be free,” 

They don’t know the pain you see. 

It’s like leaving your soul behind, 

A loss so deep, it clouds the mind. 


The empathy you gave so true, 

Was the greatest gift they ever knew. 

A warmth they held, a gentle grace, 

You made their world a better place. 


So don’t forget those golden days, 

Those cherished moments, perfect rays. 

They were heaven, pure and sweet, 

A love-filled world beneath your feet. 


But leaving them is like your death, 

A final, soul-consuming breath. 

For parting ways is pain untold, 

A severed bond, too pure to fold. 


 No matter what, through storms and tears, 

Through battles, doubts, and quiet fears, 

Never give up, just hold them close, 

Love like a river, let it flow. 


For love, when given, must endure, 

With patience, trust, and feelings pure. 

A bond that’s built on steady ground, 

Will grow in strength, where love is found.


-N Hemanth

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N. Hemanth