MOUNT INFANTO: The Cursed Summit.(chapter 1) - ZorbaBooks

MOUNT INFANTO: The Cursed Summit.(chapter 1)

Chapter 1

The Shadows of Mount Infento


Barry loved horror books. He devoured them like candy, always looking for the next thrill. He wondered if ghosts were real, or if they were just figments of his imagination. He asked his mom about it one day, but she dismissed his question. “Ghosts are not real, Barry. They are just stories to scare people. Don’t worry about them.” Barry was not satisfied with her answer. He wanted to know more. He waited until his dad came home from work and asked him the same thing. His dad gave him a similar response. “Why are you asking these questions, Barry?” he said. “Ghosts are not real. They are just made up by writers. You should focus on more important things.” Barry felt frustrated. He decided to do his own research.

He borrowed his dad’s laptop and searched online for evidence of ghosts. He found a website that claimed to have proof of their existence. It said: //Wikipedia: the ghost is real some of found…//. He clicked on the link and read the article. It said that in Mount Infento, a mysterious place in the country of Durban, there was a tree that had skulls instead of leaves. No one knew how it got there, or what it meant. There was a picture of the tree, and it looked terrifying. Barry felt a chill run down his spine. He scrolled down to the comments section and saw one that said: “YES. This tree is real. I have seen it with my own eyes. It is in Mount Infento. Beware of the ghosts that haunt it.” Barry gasped. He couldn’t believe what he was reading. He called his mom and showed her the website. “Mom, look at this. Is this real?” he asked. His mom looked at the screen and shook her head. “It’s all trash, Barry. It’s not real. It’s just a hoax. Someone photoshopped the picture and made up the story. Don’t believe these comments on websites. They are just lying to get attention.” Barry felt disappointed.

He wanted to believe that there was something more to the world than what he saw. He wanted to experience something supernatural. He closed the laptop and gave it back to his dad. He went to his room and got ready for bed.

It was almost midnight, and he had school the next day. His mom tucked him in and kissed him goodnight. “Don’t think about it, Barry. It’s not real. And don’t forget, your vacations are over.

You have to get up early tomorrow. Okay?”. “Okay, Mom. Good night,” Barry said. He tried to sleep, but he couldn’t. He kept thinking about the website, the picture, and the comment. He wondered if there was any truth to them. He turned off the lights in his room, but it was too dark for him. He felt scared. He turned on the lamp on his bedside table and felt better. He closed his eyes and drifted into a restless sleep. He woke up a few hours later, feeling the urge to go to the bathroom. He got up and reached for the lamp, but it didn’t work. He tried to turn it on again, but nothing happened. He realized that the power was out. He cursed under his breath. He remembered that he had a flashlight in his desk drawer. He walked over to his desk and opened the drawer. He found the flashlight, but it had no batteries. He groaned. He searched the rest of the desk, but he couldn’t find any batteries. He wondered where they were. He felt a sudden panic. He needed to go to the bathroom, but he didn’t want to go in the dark. He was afraid of what might be lurking in the shadows. He decided to call his mom. He shouted her name, but she didn’t answer. He shouted again, louder this time, and heard her voice. “What, Barry? What do you want?” she asked. “Mom, I need a flashlight. The power is out and I need to go to the bathroom,” he said. “Well, come down and I’ll give you one. Hurry up,” she said. “Mom, it’s too dark. I can’t see anything. Can you come up and bring it to me? Please, mom. I’m scared,” he said.

“Fine, fine. I’m coming. Wait for me,” she said. Barry waited for his mom to come. He heard her footsteps on the stairs. He saw her silhouette in the doorway. She handed him a flashlight. “Here, take it. Now go to the bathroom and come back to bed. And don’t make any more noise. You’ll wake up your dad,” she said. “Thank you, mom. I’m sorry for bothering you,” he said. He took the flashlight and went to the bathroom. He felt relieved. He thanked his mom again and went back to his room. He put the flashlight on his bedside table and crawled into his bed. He hoped that the power would come back soon. He hated the dark. He fell asleep again, but not for long.

He woke up to the sound of his mom screaming. He jumped out of his bed and grabbed the flashlight. He ran to his parents’ room and opened the door. He saw a horrifying sight. His mom was lying on the floor, covered in blood. Her throat was slit, and her eyes were wide open. His dad was standing over her, holding a knife. He had a crazed look on his face. He turned to Barry and smiled. “Hello, son.

I have a surprise for you,” he said. Barry felt a surge of fear. He dropped the flashlight and ran. He ran down the stairs and out of the house. He ran to the street and looked for help. He saw a car coming. He waved his arms and shouted for help. The car stopped and the driver rolled down the window. It was his principal, Mr. Jones. He recognized Barry and looked concerned. “Barry, what’s wrong? What are you doing here?” he asked. “Mr. Jones, please help me. My dad killed my mom. He’s crazy. He’s coming after me. Please, take me with you. Please,” Barry begged. Mr. Jones looked shocked. He opened the door and let Barry in. He drove away from the house. He tried to calm Barry down. “It’s okay, Barry. It’s okay. You’re safe now. I’ll take you to the police.

They’ll help you. Don’t worry,” he said. Barry sobbed. He couldn’t believe what had happened. He wondered why his dad had done it. He wondered if he had anything to do with the website, the picture, and the comment.

He wondered if there was a connection between his dad and Mount Infento. He wondered if there were ghosts there and if they had possessed his dad. He wondered if he would ever find out the truth. He didn’t notice that Mr. Jones had taken a different route. He didn’t notice that they were leaving the town of Char-Kababi. He didn’t notice that they were heading to the country of Durban. He didn’t notice that they were approaching Mount Infento. He didn’t notice that Mr. Jones had a sinister smile on his face. He didn’t notice that Mr. Jones had a secret. A dark and terrible secret. A secret that involved a tree. A tree that had skulls instead of leaves. A tree that was waiting for Barry.

A tree that was hungry for more!

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N. Hemanth