The Last Trip : 3 - ZorbaBooks

The Last Trip : 3

Chapter 3



The next day, Lara had given the trip fee to Barry. Then Barry misses the boat to school and makes a long story short to his teacher, then he gives the fee to his class teacher. His teacher said, oh you brought the money, you’re the first one. Sir noted Barry’s name in the fee register.

After school, Barry went home and said to Mom, “Mom I handed over the money to the class teacher”. Good, now go wash your hands and legs and come to dining for lunch. Ok, Mom. Barry ate up the lunch and asked his mom, “I want ice cream”. Take it, it is in the fridge. After eating the ice cream, Barry went to his room and started finishing his homework, soon he lost interest in maths homework and took his father’s laptop and copied homework from a browser as it is. He asked his mom if he can go out for playing with friends or not, Lara did not give permission and ordered him to finish his homework. Mother, I had finished my homework, now can I go to play with my friends? She allowed him to go. Then Barry played basketball with his friends and returned home at 7 pm.

“Mom, I am back home”. Barry, why are you late? Then, He says that he played 2 matches with his friends and this is because he was late at home. Your snacks are on the dining table said his mother. He said Ok and he said that he will eat them by watching television as time passed and Dad came home, he was so tired and without having his dinner he went to bed. Then Lara says Barry to go and sleep.

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N. Hemanth