Elegy for Teachers🥀 - ZorbaBooks

Elegy for Teachers🥀

5th September, a black day in black world.

Like many little birds, I went to wish her.

Just to earn, she came from evil netherworld.

Hidden torture in hell, sin with satire.

Damn’d darkness during dateless agony.

Only option is to change hell, but how?

Angels didn’t allow, they confined in their irony.

Joined next session after days of long row.

Similar but a devil, used to abuse.

He knew the complainer to Lucifer.

Damn ye! thee behaviour too misuse.

Oh no! My sonnet changes into elegy for teacher.

BUT hour of miracle, a story similar to mine.

Time hath gone but a drain of emotional sign.


~ Muskan Dahiya ✍🏻

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Muskan Dahiya