An Ode to Laziness - ZorbaBooks

An Ode to Laziness

An Ode to Laziness

Laziness is the remedy best,

To enjoy myriad pleasures of life;

When others toil day and night,

You can easily take the rest.

If you are office going, pretend

That you are permanently ill;

The boss will shun you like a flea,

And you will earn your salary free.

When you are at home, try to

Avoid your wife’s verbal darts;

Take shelter of your cozy bed,

And don’t be shy, act smart.

At school, take back seat always,

Where you can doze off for sometime;

Let the teacher beat his forehead,

You act as a star of pantomime.

Let the lazy days remain forever,

This should be your prayer song;

Laziness is the best gift of God,

That should be enjoyed for life long.

Copyright@Rakesh Chandra

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Rakesh Chandra