Humpty Dumpty Sat on a Wall - ZorbaBooks

Humpty Dumpty Sat on a Wall

Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall,

Watching Pussy Cat’s dance below;

She became hungry after a while,

And entered the big dining hall.

There was present Baba Black Sheep,

Who was sitting on a royal chair;

While others were busy in gulping food,

Baba was brushing his unkempt hair.

Pussy Cat enjoyed the milky pudding,

Before anyone could get a taste of it;

Baba Black Sheep acted late, and fixed

His eyes on green salads dressing.

Humpty Dumpty were not so lucky,

They couldn’t get down early; empty

Plates greeted them with wry smile,

Making them so sad and sulky.

But Humpty Dumpty had other plans,

As they ordered hot pizzas online;

When Swiggy man turned up in a jiffy,

They felt wandering on cloud nine.

Copyright@Rakesh Chandra

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Rakesh Chandra