I am a Seed
I am a Seed
I lie beneath the muddy surface,
Waiting to sprout in the sunlight, and
Grow in full bloom; don’t judge me
By the size and ignore my humble presence;
My power is beyond human imagination,
As I can rise above the earth, by tearing
Apart the solid rocks and creating a wedge,
To blossom into a full-grown verdant tree;
I am a tiny but mighty seed;
I take shelter in the mother’s womb,
And wait there for coming out, and see
The light of the day, after full nine
Months; I shape into full-grown humans
Who rule the world by their own design;
Don’t reckon me less, I am a seed;
I can penetrate the hard and rough surfaces
Of old houses and structures, and find a
Niche for my early growth; then I step out
With royal gait, to turn into a flourishing tree;
Everybody tend to avoid me, forgetting
That I am strong, I am a seed.
Copyright@Rakesh Chandra