Lamenting on a Bygone Era
Lamenting on a Bygone Era
This is not just changing my look by having
Recourse to a new upholstery, you have
Done something beyond; I am a wooden sofa
But I have a pulsating heart too!
This is not just that some people came to
Visit me, and simply sat on my cushioned Surface; they discussed on myriad issues;
Sometimes, they discussed the strategies to
Overthrow the existing governments also!
As such, I belong to history and any change
In my persona would amount to redefining history; my outward features matter less, but
My deep interior is repository of countless
Moments of joy and sorrow, shared in confidence within the precincts of the four
Walls of my house; don’t you think that
The new upholstery will wean away those
Precious moments forever?
I nurse one more grouse-I have the apprehension that someday you will totally
Discard me for the new one in the name
Of the changing times; my whole existence
Will be wiped out from this earth, and the
Future generations will be deprived of a Valuable heritage;
So, I don’t want this upholstery to be done;
Human minds need it more to refurbish
Their jaded images; I want to lie as usual
In the drawing rooms of Civilizations, now
And ever.
Copyright@Rakesh Chandra