Red is the Colour of Earth - ZorbaBooks

Red is the Colour of Earth

Red is the Colour of Earth

The rising sun spreads its reddish hue on

The earth everyday; gradually, it changes into

Scorching yellow to crimson red before

Drowning into the depth of seamless sea;

But on earth, the red becomes red hot Automatically; the people look red hot, when They indulge in street fighting or killing others

To settle their old scores; they seem to be

Burning from inside-red hot for no obvious Reasons; from where they get such fire inside

Their emaciated belly?

Not contented with the skirmishes and the

Altercations at home, the red hot fire drives

Them outside, to wage wars among the

Nations; they become overjoyous to see the

Blood flowing in blood red colour;

Red is the colour of love which naturally

Appears on the cheeks of the beloved, Sensing the feel of sweet and soft, whiffs of

Aroma of love; It too happens on this earth,

Despite the expanding regime of the

Time river, glistening with appalling redness,

Oozing forth from the lifeless body of humanity, maimed and mutilated;

Someday, I will also hate the redness of the

Nascent and the vanishing sun; I will surely

Dislike the enticing redness appearing on

A lovelorn maiden’s face; I shudder to think

About being alone in this mad-mad world

Of ours; I would surely enjoy the red-hot

Texture of colour red in the future, sometime!

Copyright@Rakesh Chandra

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Rakesh Chandra