Spring is not Far Away - ZorbaBooks

Spring is not Far Away

Spring is not Far Away

Mountains are covered with white snow

Flakes, and the waterbodies are draped

In white sheets of ice; even the leaves

And stems of verdant trees are wearing

A silver look, largely wallowed in

Thick layer of snow particles; people

Living around are finding solace in the

Safe precincts of their walled houses,

And enjoying the warmth of wood fire;

An eerie silence is spreading in the

Atmosphere; this is a winter of discontent;

The rising sun is playing hide and seek;

No one knows the duration of life-giving

Rays of hope; for uncertain time,

A pall of gloom will hang around making

People more desolate and forlorn;

But the time moves on incessantly,

Giving a chance to life to bloom

Again; Spring season will usher in

To bring the radiant sun, fragrance

Of flowers, limpid water running Leisurely, and the humming of birds mellifluously;

Seasons come and go and the journey

Of life is never stopped ;

Let us celebrate the joyous Spring after the dull and dreary winter.

Copyright@Rakesh Chandra

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Rakesh Chandra