Thirsty Leaves’ Infatuation and the Dewdrops
Thirsty Leaves’ Infatuation and the Dewdrops
Only a leaf can feel the crunch of water,
As it prepares the food for the plants,
Of which water is the necessary ingredient;
A thirsty leaf can wait for sometime though, before withering into oblivion;
While thirsty, leaves look around for drops
Of water; they search for raindrops in the
Distant sky, and they look below at
The water container, brought by the
Gardener, at indefinite intervals;
Often, the leaves are deprived of the water
Of life; all the sources fail to quench their
Thirst; then the dewdrops stacked on the
Tips of green grass or on the flowers’ petals,
Appear to be drops of nectar
For the parched leaves virtually;
Leaves are then infatuated by the tiny drops
Spread on the grassy land, and want to
See their presence till they are separated
From the tree trunk; dewdrops and the Leaves can’t meet ever for the water’s sake;
Leaves and water are co-existent, but the
Latter becomes very scarce sometimes,
And the end of the life of leaves
On earth seems imminent; dewdrops are
A poor substitute of thick flushes of water
For cleaning the stains of the dirty leaves,
And enabling them to prepare food for the hungry tree; water is the source of life
For all the living beings on earth,
And, the leaves are no exception.
Copyright@Rakesh Chandra