Vincent Van Gogh-In Memoriam - ZorbaBooks

Vincent Van Gogh-In Memoriam

Vincent Van Gogh-in memoriam

You traversed the forbidden alleys of mind’s,

And brought breathtaking colours into This world of ours to make us happy

For some time, at least;

I know that you were exploring an entire

New terrain of exquisite beauty, only

To be understood by a sensitive soul;

Humans called it the mad, mad world,

Not to be aspired in this life;

But you spread colours, bright and vibrant,

Into the lives of teeming millions making

Your brief sojourn into madland,

An enthralling symphony of dancing colours;

You were branded mad in the eyes of people

Ordinary, but you were a great master, a true

Conjurer of dreams extraordinary;

Long live the great magician-Vincent Van Gog.

Copyright@Rakesh Chandra

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Rakesh Chandra