When Hillocks Face the Storms
When Hillocks Face the Storms
We are here for time unknown stationed
Like sentinels of nature; we are adorned
With verdant look provided by the green
Trees, shrubs and the flowering plants;
We are together tied in special bond of love,
We are hillocks and sisters too!
Though we look robust and mighty from
The distance, our soil is porous and
Easily penetrable; only the roots of the
Sprawling trees bind it giving us
Strength; we are vulnerable to all
Kinds of storms and hurricanes reaching
Us like a whirlwind; we know that every time
They uproot the big old trees, they virtually Shake our very foundation;
Storms cause falling of leaves and boughs,
And the twigs and branches are pared by
The forceful thrusts of the tumultuous
Winds; our green cover is shorn of its
Natural sheen;
Storms destroy many nests of poor birds,
And their eggs would fall on the earth unsung;
The birds, insects, beetles and crickets
Have to wait for the next better times;
Come what may, we will stand together,
And our bonds of love will remain strong as
Ever; storms can cause an upheaval, but
They can’t shake our foundations;
We face the storms in our own stride!
Copyright@Rakesh Chandra