When Socks Chat - ZorbaBooks

When Socks Chat

When Socks Chat

We cover the feet from the dirt and prevent

Diseases; we protect the tender skin from

The outside interventions; we don’t want

Anything in lieu of our services; we should

Be given our due for selfless act; we are

Small part of the people’s attire-we are the socks;

But our feather touch causes immense pain,

And suffering to the human beings, afflicted

With the blistering sores in their feet; we

Are ruthlessly discarded for a long time,

Till the sores are healed finally; undoubtedly,

We do not relish these moments of apathy,

And disdain; we do not know even the Time-period for which our banishment will last;

They can wear the cotton socks in place

Of nylon or other hybrid stuff; but we

Don’t want to be ousted forcefully

By the person nursing blisters;

we are sure that without our help,

People will not move an inch ahead;

But we are helpless, having no clue to Address their problem clinically; but

We can certainly pray for their speedy recovery, at least; we are so close, yet

So far due to blisters; but we hope

To return back with a gusto; we are

The inimitable and the human-friendly

Socks for all the time.

Copyright@Rakesh Chandra

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Rakesh Chandra