Two travelers


Ravi Ranjan Goswami




Chapter 1

May 1, 2015, 11 am

There was a crowd at New Delhi Railway Station as usual. Kerala Express was standing on platform number 1. Rakesh boarded the A1 coach of the Kerala Express train. He was going to Nagpur to work. He was a 22-year-old good-looking youth. He was a keen reader and was interested in history, so he did an M.A. in History and thought of joining the IAS. He had also started preparing for the civil service examination, but at present, he was helping his father in his business. Her father Ghanshyam Aggarwal had opened a showroom of readymade garments on MG Road in Nagpur.

Rakesh had taken care of the supply of readymade clothes. His father wanted him to engage in business. Rakesh was not interested in business. But he did not lag in helping his father.

He was going to deliver clothes to his father’s shop.

This was not the first time that he was visiting Nagpur. But this time he was a little sad. His mother was not well, and his father had ordered him to come. His father had opened the showroom only a few months ago. He had planned to take his family to Nagpur later. His idea was that later Rakesh would take over his business, he would retire, and enjoy the rest of his life with his wife. He cared about his family, but money was significant to him. He cannot compromise with his work. , for some extra income, he could work hard to any extent to achieve this. Therefore Rakesh was not allowed to postpone his journey.

After boarding the train, he kept his luggage under the berth and sat on his berth. ​ A lower berth was allocated to him in the four-berth cabin.

When the train was about to leave, a dark beautiful girl came quickly looking for her berth, which was in front of Rakesh. She had a red VIP suitcase, which she placed under her berth, and sat near the window looking towards the platform. The train started.

Her friends were standing on the platform. They couldn’t see her properly because of the tinted glass in the window, but they guessed and waved in her the direction to say goodbye. She also waved her hand. After the train crossed the railway platform, she took out a book sat on her berth, and started reading.

The train had started on time. Rakesh was looking at the platform full of passengers bidding farewell to their loved ones. After leaving the platform He kept looking out the window for a while at the view of the city followed by the view of lush green forests and fields running behind him. The movement had reduced. Rakesh looked inside the box after some time. Now his attention went towards the girl sitting in front.

She was busy reading a book with her head bowed, and her hair hanging on her shoulders was neatly cut. She was a dark and beautiful girl of 20-21 years.

Rakesh was a little shy when it came to girls. He was observing the girl sitting in front of him from a distance and was eager to start a conversation with her. But he was confused; He didn’t know how or where to start. Just then, the girl looked up and Rakesh’s gaze fell on her. She had an embarrassed look on her face and hesitantly told him that she had forgotten to bring her water bottle and was feeling thirsty. Rakesh could not believe his luck; This was the perfect start he was looking for. Without a moment’s hesitation, he gave her his water bottle. The girl gulped down the water from the bottle and thanked him gratefully. This removed Rakesh’s hesitation and they started talking.

Rakesh asked her, ” Do you live in Delhi ?” ,

He replied, ” Yes. “

He asked, “Where are you going?”

She said, ” I am going to Nagpur. “,

Rakesh said smilingly, “I am also going to Nagpur.” ,

She also smiled. She looked happy after knowing this.

Now they became comfortable asking and sharing about each other.

She said that her name is Sarita, she is from Nagpur and lives in Delhi. I was studying for medical entrance exam coaching while staying at my maternal uncle’s house. Rakesh told her about her business and the purpose of her visit to Nagpur. After talking further for some time, Rakesh found her to be an interesting person. He had a sharp intelligence and a sense of humor, which he liked. The conversations soon became deep and meaningful and Rakesh began to feel that they were connecting on a deeper level. Sarita also found talking to Rakesh on this trip more welcome than silence. Sarita liked Rajesh’s personality and way of talking. So she opened up and talked about her life. Listening enthusiastically, Rakesh kept sharing snippets from his life. Which was interesting for Sarita. Sarita And Rakesh were feeling comfortable in each other ‘s company. They were busy in their talks. But their conversation was interrupted due to a malfunction in the air condition of the compartment.


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Ravi Ranjan Goswami