Forging Destiny with 'Make in India' - ZorbaBooks

Forging Destiny with ‘Make in India’

On the canvas of vivid hues,

Dreams take flight,

A movement unfurls, kindling a vibrant light.

Make in India” echoes firm and bright,

Empowering the nation with fearless might.

Clear and potent, the message rings.

Accelerating the progressive Bharat,

The indomitable courage it brings.

From the workshops of innovation to the factory’s floor,

Countless doors are unlocked to explore.

Industries and agriculture, in tandem, bloom anew,

Talents rise, forging paths with robustness.

In the capable hands of each skilled artisan,

A commitment to elevate the dreams

We, the Indians, embrace.

From textiles to technology,

Spectrum wide,

A tapestry of progress in every stride.

With ambition as fuel and an unyielding drive,

Swadeshi” thrives and comes alive.

To the moon’s embrace,

Our Chandrayan soars,

”Make in India” spirit at its core.

Vaccine development, a triumph’s gleam,

Under this mission, both vision and dream.

Investments pour forth,

From both close and afar,

The economy clambers high with the tag of a rising star.

A symphony of growth and self-reliance takes the stage,

Job opportunities flourish, illuminating life’s page.

Empowering millions to achieve and exceed

The nation’s potential is its creed.

Stitching dreams,

Fragment by fragment,

Make in India” resonates as a testament.

A journey ongoing,

A legacy’s creation,

Awakening the spirit, a hopeful foundation.

Hands entwined in unity’s artful dance,

Crafting a future where dreams advance.

We strive, hand in hand,

Crafting a destiny for our beloved motherland.

With “Make in India” as our guiding light,

Nation first“,

Our motto shines bright.

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Uttar Pradesh