People Judge Your Character - ZorbaBooks

People Judge Your Character

I know I’m a little bit talkative

When I feel comfort and safe with people.

I might be funny because I love

Seeing the people around me laugh,

Even though I cry every night

To make myself strong for the next day.I know I don’t think before I speak,

In those small moments when heart and brain

Are overwhelmed by everything I feel,

And I can’t keep it all inside.Moreover, we don’t know each other’s stories.

Some silent battles remain untold

Because you judge me on the life you see.

You don’t know what’s going on with me,

Just as I don’t know your hidden struggles.When someone makes me feel

Characterless in a relationship,

It slowly makes me die inside.

Now, I don’t justify myself.Sometimes being alone is perfect

For analyzing those around me,

To see if they truly need me or not.

If people can stay, they’re welcome,

But my self-respect comes first.People only see the talkative side,

Never the silence underneath.

When someone makes me feel hopeless

And fills me with doubt,

I know I must trust myself.It’s better to lose me than give me

Attachment issues and trust that’s misplaced.

#Rubi.R Silwal

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