Seeing the Whole Picture
There aren’t many absolute rights or wrongs in this world. In general, we have two opposing viewpoints on the same issue. For instance, what is exceedingly horrible for one individual may be typical for another.
To consider things from another person’s point of view is the only prerequisite. It can settle fights, wars, daily disputes, and much more. The world could be a better place for everyone if people realized that a person’s viewpoint on life could be altered, shaped, and explained.
Educating our youngsters about perspective and its significance can create a wonderful society with responsible people.
Imagine that you and your friend are looking at a painting. You describe the painting as a beautiful landscape with vibrant colours, while your friend insists it’s an abstract piece with muted tones.
You both argue about who’s right, but what if you both step back and see the painting from a distance? You realize that it’s a combination of both a beautiful landscape and an abstract piece with muted tones.
At that moment, you understand that each of you was only seeing one aspect of the truth. You needed to combine your perspectives with seeing the complete picture.
Similarly, we must accept other viewpoints to comprehend the truth in each given circumstance fully.