Eternal Faith - ZorbaBooks

Eternal Faith

In deep shadows where doubt may appear,

Prayers emerge like a guiding star, crystal clear.

Through the darkest nights and stormy seas,

They’re the light that puts our hearts at ease.


With whispers of hope, it shows us the way.

Through life’s twists and turns, come what may.

In faith, we find strength to face and endure.

A wellspring of hope, unwavering and pure.


In faith, we find the strength to face life’s demands.

A boundless source of hope, like endless sand.

Let tranquillity embrace every soul’s role.

As life’s winding rivers towards serenity roll,


In the embrace of peace, hearts unite.

Breaking barriers, dispelling the night.

May kindness and love guide our daily tread,

In a world where compassion is widely spread.


With open hearts, let us all now proclaim,

A world free from violence, sorrow, or blame.

May peace be our anthem, a universal call,

Ensuring true harmony overcomes all


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