The Path to Success - ZorbaBooks

The Path to Success

Grit and perseverance, 

the paths to success 

Igniting passion propels us forward. 

No need for physical perfection , 

Grit knows no bounds, 

transcending limitations.

Life’s blows strike hard, 

knocking us to the ground, 

Covering us in the dirt, 

kicking at our groin. 

But within us lies the strength to rise again, 

Resilience in our bones fuels our determination.

It’s not the lofty IQ that paves the way, 

But the unwavering spirit, 

resolute and unyielding. 

Goals may overwhelm,

their weight immense, 

Yet within us resides the tenacity to endure.

Not everyone will comprehend our journey, 

Only some people will support our chosen path. 

But by cutting ties and forging ahead,

we find our strength, 

In life’s tapestry, woven with threads of grit, 

Success is a testament to our resilience. 

Through the fusion of grit and perseverance, 

Triumph resonates, an eternal ode to our essence.


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