Echoes of the Forgotten World - ZorbaBooks

Echoes of the Forgotten World

Chapter 1: The Visions Begin

Maya Rao was a realistic woman from the beginning. She was a software engineer in the thriving tech city of Bengaluru (formerly known as Bangalore, the Silicon Valley of India), where she valued problem-solving, logic, and coding. Her nights were spent analysing data, and her days were occupied with algorithms. Her weekend travels to the city’s outskirts, where she could take in the Deccan plateau’s natural beauty, were the only times she permitted herself to escape.

However, something inexplicable had started to occur. Maya would be walking through the familiar, bustling streets of Koramangala when, suddenly, everything would blur. In those fleeting moments, she would find herself in an alien environment, with towering structures made of a strange, gleaming material, a sky painted with hues she couldn’t identify, and creatures that were both foreign and strangely familiar. Then, just as abruptly, the vision would vanish, leaving Maya standing amid the city, her heart racing with confusion and disbelief.

Maya brushed off the first few incidents as stress or exhaustion.

After another exhausting day at work, Maya decided to speak with Neha, her best friend, one evening. Since college, the two had been best friends, exchanging everything from study notes to the most significant secrets in life. ‘Have you ever felt that you’re not yourself, Neha?’ As they sipped South Indian filter coffee in their favourite café, Maya asked nervously. Neha arched her eyebrow, showing a mixture of interest and worry. ‘Explain what you mean.’ Maya paused. She didn’t comprehend the explanation, so how could she give one?

‘I’ve been having visions lately, I suppose. They are more than images in my head; they are not dreams. I feel as though I’m living in two different worlds. I’m here one moment, and then I’m not… I’m somewhere else. Somewhere that feels… familiar, but entirely alien.’

 “I’m somewhere else. Somewhere that feels… familiar, but entirely alien.” Neha looked at her friend, worry creasing her forehead. “Maya, that sounds serious. Have you thought about seeing a doctor?”

Maya shook her head. “I’m not crazy, Neha. These visions—they’re real. And the strangest part is that I’m starting to feel like they’re not just random images. They’re memories.”

Neha stared at her, unsure of what to say. “Memories? Of what? An alien world?”

Maya nodded slowly. “Yes. And I know how it sounds.” But it’s like I’m remembering something from another life. And I can’t shake the feeling that it’s all connected to my identity. “I’m caught between two worlds and two identities. It’s a constant struggle to reconcile Maya Rao with Nyra, the person I’m beginning to remember.”


Chapter 2: The Unravelling

Over the next few weeks, the visions became increasingly vivid. Maya saw that she was becoming increasingly cut off from her daily routine. She found it difficult to focus at work since her mind continually returned to the foreign place she now felt was more like home than Earth. Maya started journaling and recording each detail to make sense of the visions. She was not the Bengaluru-born software engineer Maya Rao in these dreams.

She was someone else—something else.

Her name was Nyra, and she was part of a race of beings from the distant planet Lirion. In Lirion, energy flowed through crystalline formations to power their advanced cities; it was a world of unparalleled technology. But a cosmic occurrence shattered this peaceful world, endangering their existence. Nyra had been chosen for a desperate measure known as ‘The Transfer,’ which involved transplanting their consciousness into artificial bodies capable of surviving on other worlds. Despite the fragmented memories, Nyra—now Maya—remembered the overwhelming sense of duty to preserve her people’s legacy and the feelings of fear and uncertainty. The visions were not just memories but a plea for help.

Planet Lirion was dying, and the survivors needed to be found before it was too late. Maya’s sense of reality began to blur. She no longer felt like she belonged on Earth. Her connection to Bengaluru, her friends, and even her family started fading. The only thing that felt real was Lirion and her identity as Nyra. One night, as she lay in bed, another vision took hold.

It was more than just a passing thought this time. Maya discovered herself standing on Lirion’s surface, a whirling mixture of deep purple and blue making up the sky above her. Beneath her feet, she sensed the planet’s energy hum, the life force uniting everything on Lirion. Then she caught sight of the other survivors. Their shapes gleamed with the same crystalline energy that drove the planet; they were waiting for her. She felt an overpowering force pulling her towards them as they stretched out to her. Abruptly, she found herself back in her bedroom, unable to breathe. However, the link had been established. She was aware of her obligations.


Chapter 3: The Adventure Starts

Maya was forced to acknowledge the visions. She needed to figure out how to get to Lirion, locate the other survivors, and complete the task ingrained in her memory. However, how? For now, at least, she still looked human. She lacked the technology and ships necessary to reach the stars.

But Lirion’s technology was advanced—far beyond anything Earth had developed.

There may be a way she could get her hands on the correct information. Maya announced her reasons for taking a leave of absence from her job. She spent her days looking into extraterrestrial technology, contacting specialists in fields that might have the answers she sought, and reading obscure scientific articles. Maya knew she was clinging to thin air, but there was nothing else she could do. She could no longer ignore the lure of the increasingly persistent visions. While browsing outdated study papers online, she found an article that caught her attention. It concerned a top-secret government initiative known as “Project Vimana,” which aimed to dissect extraterrestrial technology discovered in the wreckage of old Indian temples. The paper raised the idea that the technology had extraterrestrial origins, even if the project had been classified and shrouded in secrecy. As Maya read the piece, her heart raced. This may be the key. “Vimana” touched a deep place within her. In ancient Indian literature, Vimanas were depicted as flying chariots of the gods. While these tales may be legendary, what if there was some reality to them? Could the Vimanas be the only relics of Lirion’s technology abandoned on Earth aeons ago? Maya was determined to learn more, so she contacted Dr. Radhakrishnan, a retired scientist who wrote the study. Despite his initial reluctance, Maya’s urgency and the peculiar details she revealed about her visions eventually persuaded him to meet her.


Chapter 4: The Revelation

Dr. Radhakrishnan was an elderly guy with a keen mind and a wealth of information about traditional Indian technology. Maya sensed his scepticism when she met him in his small Mysuru home. However, his scepticism gave way to an increasing fascination as she narrated her visions. “You’re not the first to claim visions of an alien world,” he remarked, quietly massaging his white beard.

 “But your descriptions of Lirion and its technology align with some of the theories I’ve worked on.”

If your statement is true, it could explain much about the anomalies we’ve encountered in our studies.” Maya leaned forward, her heart pounding.

“So, you believe me?” Dr. Radhakrishnan smiled faintly. “Belief is a strong word. But I’m willing to explore the possibility. If your memories are indeed from Lirion, then the Vimanas might be the key to unlocking the necessary technology.”

He took her to a secret room in his home crammed with old manuscripts, architectural drawings, and odd contraptions that appeared to belong in a museum. A giant, complicated depiction of a Vimana—a complex construction with wings and a luminous core at its centre—was hanging on the wall. “This is what we think to be the heart of the Vimana—a power source unlike anything we’ve seen on Earth,” Dr. Radhakrishnan stated, gesturing to the centre.

It’s said to draw energy directly from the surrounding environment, similar to how you described Lirion’s crystalline structures.

Maya gasped for air. The structures she had seen in her dreams bore a striking resemblance to the sketch. Her voice trembled with eagerness as she asked, “Is it possible to activate it?” Radhakrishnan, the doctor paused. A large portion of the outdated technology had been lost to time.

But with the right approach, it might be possible to reactivate a Vimana. The real question is, where would you find one that’s still intact?” Maya felt a surge of determination. “I’ll find it. Whatever it takes, I’ll find it.”


Chapter 5: Awakening

Maya and Dr. Radhakrishnan travelled across India to pursue a working Vimana, exploring everything from the ancient temples of Tamil Nadu to the deep woods of the Western Ghats. They solved cryptic messages that led them to their objective by following hints concealed in old books. They eventually came upon a Vimana in the middle of an overgrown forest near the ruins of an old temple. It was partially buried, covered in vines, but unquestionably intact. Maya was stopped dead in her tracks. The crystalline heart of the place had the gentle glow of a long-lost world, precisely as she had imagined. Maya began the laborious task of carefully reviving the Vimana with the assistance of Dr. Radhakrishnan. It was challenging because the technology was much more sophisticated than anything she had ever used, and one misstep could ruin the entire thing. She experienced an unusual bond with the machine, though, as though it acknowledged her as one of its own.

As she worked, the visions became more intense. She sensed the other Lirions were waiting for her in their dying world.

They trusted her to bring them back home and find a new place to live. Finally, after hours of agonising, nerve-wracking work, the Vimana began to hum. The whole structure seemed to pulsate with energy, with a dazzling, ethereal light pulsating through the centre of the building. Maya took a step back, her heart racing. She had been waiting for this moment for a long time. Both Vimana and she were ready.


Chapter 6: The Final Journey.

Maya stood before the Vimana, a sleek, otherworldly spacecraft that had brought her to Earth. Her hand rested on its smooth surface, feeling the undeniable connection. This was her destiny, the reason she had been sent to Earth. She was Nyra, a survivor of Lirion, and she was about to complete her mission.

But as she prepared to enter the Vimana, a thought struck her. What would happen to Maya Rao? The woman she had been on Earth, with friends, family, and a life of her own. Could she leave all that behind? It was a moment of profound courage, a sacrifice she would make for the greater good.

For a moment, doubt crept in. But then she remembered the visions—the memories of a vibrant, technologically advanced world, now in peril. Lirion was in danger, and her people needed her. She couldn’t turn her back on them, no matter what.

Taking a deep breath, Maya stepped into the Vimana. The interior was dimly lit, the walls covered in intricate designs that pulsed with energy. She found the control panel—an array of glowing symbols that responded to her touch as if they were alive.

As she activated the Vimana’s systems, the entire structure vibrated, lifting off the ground with a low hum. The control panel came to life—an array of glowing symbols that responded to her touch as if they were alive. The Vimana’s engines roared to life, and outside, the forest blurred, and the sky above her shifted from blue to a deep, otherworldly purple.

Maya felt a surge of energy as the Vimana’s core connected with her consciousness. She was no longer just Maya Rao—she was Nyra, a being of Lirion, and she was going home.

The Vimana accelerated, breaking through the atmosphere and into the vastness of space. Stars streaked past as the machine locked onto its destination—Lirion, a planet on the brink of collapse, waiting for its saviour.

As she flew through the cosmos, Maya—Nyra—felt a sense of peace. She was no longer torn between two worlds. She was whole, and her mission was clear.

But the journey was far from over. Planet Lirion needed more than just one survivor. It needed a new beginning, a new home. And Nyra was determined to find it, no matter what it took.

As the Vimana sped towards the distant stars, Nyra knew she was not alone. The echoes of her people filled her mind, guiding her on her journey. Together, they formed a bond of unity, a shared determination to find a way to survive.

And in the end, they would thrive.

_____________The End——————–

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