So, My Wife, Jaya, Still Works Under Sharmista! - ZorbaBooks

So, My Wife, Jaya, Still Works Under Sharmista!

( The harrowing experience I have had recently at the hands of the former Manager of my wife, is something I want to write about. Here’s something written aftermath of the shameful incident.)

So, My Wife, Jaya Still Works Under Sharmista !!!

I never thought I’d ever land up with another job offer at 63!

“Hello, This is Vishal from Hitachi Asia Company Ltd. Am I speaking to Rathin please?” Someone enquired in a small voice from the other end yesterday.

“Speaking. I remember you clearly from our previous conversation.” I replied.

“Please hang on as I put you through to the Head Office… It may take a few minutes.”

For the next 3 minutes, a recorded female voice kept on informing me that the call had been put on hold. When I was undecided about whether to hang it up or hang on for a little bit more, there was a clicking sound and an elderly voice came on.

“Hay, Rathin. This is Nakimara (I didn’t get the name correctly even after the second time though) speaking. Give a brief self-intro, OK?” The voice ordered.

“Self-intro? Right. I’s born and brought up in Kolkata. I come of a very well-known family. My late father was a College Principal and my grandfather, a renowned Sanskrit scholar of Modern India. After graduation (I always try to escape from having to speak about my poor academic background), when I was pursuing my Master’s from Jadavpur University, I saw an advertisement from the neighbouring Kingdom of Bhutan, applied for a Teacher’s job and subsequently got through the interview.

I accepted the offer and joined Bhutan Civil Service in 1990 against the collective wish of my family. I worked there for nearly 3 decades and retired at 58 as per the rules of Bhutan Civil Service in 2018.

I came back to my hometown in 2019 and started looking for a job. Then the pandemic happened and life, as you know, was stalled. I started working again as the Principal of SXPS from June, 2022 and resigned last March. I’ve been unemployed ever since.” I paused.

“Good. That’s a good intro.” The voice told me quite bluntly. “Now, tell me about your weakness.”

“My weakness?” I repeated the word twice. “OK, as far as my weakness’s concerned, I tend to be too honest and you’ll have to agree with me, Sir, that anybody who happens to be too honest in today’s world, has to pay a high price. I have paid a high price for my honesty all through my life…”

“Interesting. Now, tell me about your greatest contribution as an English Teacher?” The voice asked.

“Sorry, Sir. I didn’t get you clearly. Can you rephrase or modify the question?” I asked apprehensively.

“Your greatest contribution as an English Teacher, understood?” He sounded offended.

“Yes, Sir. You know the results of my last batch of CBSE students were out recently. Most of them scored above 80%. But that’s not a big deal as there were many from other schools scoring above 95% as well. But that is not what my greatest achievement has been. My greatest achievement, over the years, has been that by being a role model, I could inspire many of my students to be good, responsible and contributing human beings. And that in my opinion, has been my greatest achievement.” Rubbing the bridge of my nose with the little finger, I looked at my Sis, sitting beside me.

“Sir, now may I remind you that the interview was scheduled for ten minutes. If it’s not problem for you, I’d like to see my Sis off now.”

The elderly man was taken aback by my request and didn’t seem to have an answer to that and kept on repeating “Ten Minutes?”, “Ten Minutes!”, while my ever so sacrificing Sis raised her hand to signify that she was willing to wait.

“Sir, Sister can wait for sometime more. So, what’s your next?” I didn’t seem all that eager for a job anymore.

“What’s your last CTC?”

“I got something like 2.5 per year. It’s a small school, you know, not financially in a sound position.” I tried to be honest always but here I wasn’t exactly.

“In case, you get selected. How much will your expected salary be?” He seemed eager to know.

“You know, Sir. I’ve never been money-crazy. Bhutan paid me well. But I’ve two daughters and marrying daughters off without money isn’t that easy. (I was thinking of the day when I informed my in-laws that my parents never asked for any dowries for any of their sons from the prospective families of their daughters-in-law!)

Anyway, by the grace of The Almighty, I have not much to ask for. So, regarding the expected salary, I’ll leave that to you. Let me work for a few months. Let me see if I am a fit in your system. Then you pay me as you wish…”

“Ok, Rathin. Nice talking to you. My team will get back to you with the feedback of this interview the first thing tomorrow.”

“Nice talking to you too, Sir. Take care and have a good day…”

I told my Sis as I accompanied her to the Bus Stop that the Interview, in my modest view, had gone off well. The only thing worrying me was whether the elderly man got offended as I frequently asked him to repeat his questions during the interview.

“Those people with that American accent, are very difficult to understand.” My Sister, arranging the folds of her sari, remarked while we waited for a Science-City bound bus.

“I don’t mind American accent but he was not an American. Most probably, someone from Singapore.

I came back home. I haven’t been on speaking terms, kinda, ( my wife called me only yesterday to enquire if that horrible Sharmistha, the Manager of her previous Company bothered me with any more calls or not) with my family, lately. Otherwise, I was too ecstatic to share the news with them.

I felt sorry for my wife. She looks at her best when she is happy. She loves being a homemaker. But she has been working in the Insurance Sector since my return to Kolkata. To ensure the smooth running of the family, you know.

How I wished I could land up with a last job that pays me handsomely. Singapore will be a perfect destination, therefore. They pay in dollars. I can take her along with me, pay her a handsome pocket money. Be good to me, God. Help me make my dreams come true.

I am holding the email from Hitachi Company in my hand right now. I got selected for the final round of interview on 2nd June. They have asked for my passport, my academic and work experience certificates and Last Pay Slip.

God! I don’t have any of these. I talked about the fact that I don’t have a passport in the interview yesterday. The elderly man replied that they would take care of it. My academic transcripts have been eaten by moths with the passage of time! (Not a very believable proposition. But believe you me, Dear Reader, the marksheets were handwritten in our days!)

And regarding my Experience Certificate and Last Pay, I don’t want to contact my last employer. No, don’t get me wrong. They are nice people really and would go out of their ways to help me out. But me being what I am, I won’t ask for it.

My spouse, Jaya, will have to work with Managers like Sharmistha for a couple of years more, whether she likes it or not.

The End

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