I know you’re struggling everyday
Arguing with your soul,
But do you know what Krishna says?
How will you stand if you don’t fall?
People are just like rainbow
They hide until the weather is calm,
But when the weather turns to storm
They show colours causing you harm.
Loose it when you can’t hold it tight
Because it already made you shattered,
I know they’re gonna mock you, right?
But does it even matter?
Make the taunts your magical flute
Creating rhythms that sounds perfect,
How can you taste the fruit
That you’ve not planted yet?
I know you miss those memories so bad
But don’t repeat the fault again,
Torn your feelings; make them apart
Coz you can’t stand in storm coz u love rain.
Mind being scattered in vicious
Heart drowned in venom,
But you know you’re still precious
So it’s time to get on.