Despair to Redemption - ZorbaBooks

Despair to Redemption

In the depths of despair, he wandered lost,

Believing in nothing, no one to trust.

Drowning deeper in sorrow’s dark reef,

Seeking a glimmer, a shimmer of belief.

Then came the whisper of finality’s call,

No anchor to cling to, no hope at all.

With a spine weakened, resolve so frail,

He returned to the arms of the same old tale.

But she emerged, a beacon of light,

Not in attire or form, but in sight.

Her eyes, like the moon’s fissured grace,

Entrapped his gaze in an unyielding embrace.

Embracing her was a lifeline unfurled,

Learning to dance to a newfound world.

Belief in strength, not in gods on high,

He staged a return, refused to comply.

From grief and frustration, he arose anew,

Confidence and life in his spirit grew.

He found in her love, a treasure to cherish,

Yet she remained oblivious, her heart to perish.

Incomplete, his love, a poignant refrain,

Moving forward, but memories retain.

In the chambers of his heart, she dwells apart,

A chapter closed, yet eternally marked by her art.

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Daniel D Wood
West Bengal