A Sister's Journey - ZorbaBooks

A Sister’s Journey

Youngest in our midst, yet strong and wise,

A cherished bond beneath the azure skies.

To parents, a pet, to me, a guide,

In her embrace, our heart confide.

Through different lives, she bravely trod,

Each phase a step, each trial a trod.

Ambition bloomed, boldness she found,

In every struggle, resilience crowned.

As path diverged, life’s tides did sway,

Her caring touch, a constant ray.

From shadows deep to heights above,

Her love, a beacon, steadfast love.

In her, I see a sister’s grace,

A journey etched on time and space.

Through joys and tears, through all embrace,

Her spirit shines, a sister’s grace.

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Sharmila Subramanian
Tamil Nadu