Emotional Imbalances -Resist - ZorbaBooks

Emotional Imbalances -Resist

  • Problematic Emotional Imbalances and Mental health Issues-You Have Every Right Not to be a Prey, not to Develop and Resist
  • Often the problematic emotional imbalances of other people adversely affect the peace and well-being of a level-headed person, screwing the person up. It depends on you whether you want to become screwed up or not and set a different example.
  •  The emotional imbalances are glorified in society. Society and herd mentality in many cases have strange norms that do not allow a person to live in a healthy balanced way. Conforming to these norms bring trouble in life. Still people conform out of the fear of rejection. Such norms destroy the deciding ability and common senses of a person and even if your decision or sense is right, people conforming to the herd mentality make you feel you are wrong.
  • People are the main source of unwanted trouble in life and also their poor decision-making ability, lack of self-control and common senses and strange habits. Emotional imbalances such as gluttony, addiction, obsession, workaholism, too much of overconfidence, miserliness, being spendthrift, too much anxiety, greed, lust, lack of self-control do not make a person act sensibly thinking about one’s well-being or other’s well-being but makes a person do strange things and develop strange complicacies. The prevalence of such strange doings and dependencies is just too much and such people cannot get out of the prison of their strange doings. They want to drag other people into it- this is the worst part. 
  • They do not take responsibility of their own and have poor decision making ability, poor sense of limit, limitless dependencies and attribute the troubles in their life on planets, fate and other external factors. They do not make conscious efforts to improve their psychology, change themselves or improve their choices, habits and decision making ability. They blindly follow others. In the process the common senses, intuition, self-regulation ability or the decision making ability becomes weak. The actions have unpleasant adverse consequences. The mental limitations do not allow the mind to explore or accept better options. There may be certain external factors limiting you, but it depends a lot on you on how you handle yourself and decide. 
  • It requires a lot of strength and tact to avoid unwanted troubles in life or to protect oneself from trouble-makers who cannot solve their own troubles and want to drag others into them. But it is not impossible. 
  • The tendency of other people is to pull you down and bring their troubles into your life. 
  • You should bolster your mind from inside to pull yourself up and tactfully resist them. Nobody actually takes your responsibility. You should always make it a first priority to look after yourself and take your own responsibility to retain your equilibrium and well-being. Some people may not like you for this, but in this world you cannot please everybody. Every living being has the right to protect oneself from harm, and intelligent people do that. Intelligent people craft a life of their own without going out of limit and create an inner world of happiness and peace.  
  • With growing education, many societal norms, behavior and conventions cannot be accepted. Just to fit in with people you go on sacrificing your well being in the name of mindless adaptation cannot be the fate of your life. Rather you can be strong enough to be a positive change-maker revolting intelligently against such societal norms and giving, developing or introducing better options. It is not a crime. Positive changes are always welcome. Becoming strange with endless problematic behavior is not a good option due to mental weakness but retaining mental strength, having a mind of one’s own, having good control over oneself and acting sensibly is much more stylish. God does give good returns, even if human beings do not.

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