A Beautiful World - ZorbaBooks

A Beautiful World

A Beautiful World

The golden sunrays kissed her with the warmth of love. It was morning.

Any morning can be a fresh start to new thoughts, new perspectives, new ways of looking at life. She wanted to attract more positivity and distance herself from negativity. She was firm in her resolve to do positive activities and attract more positivity and peace. 

After a long spell of rain the sun was smiling again. She went out for a morning walk. Solitude is very therapeutic. Solitude in the beautiful world of plants away from all human beings is just like heaven. She hated strange human complicacies and unpredictable unpleasant interactions. Most of them had emotional imbalances and disturbed the emotional balance of others. But she was always someone standing strong to retain and regain her balance. 

She went out and nature welcomed her with all the richness and bounty of the Almighty’s creations. The leaves of the Indian rubber tree were looking so glossy and beautiful after the rains. The flowers of the Shivalinga tree were fresh and in full bloom. She got to see many fresh inflorescences of the Shivalinga tree and freshly bloomed flowers with the beautiful snakehead being the centre of attraction. The Cannonball like brown and spherical fruits were also visible.

The wide variety of Hibiscus flowers was a visual treat. The sight of a pink Hibiscus flower gave her so much joy! The lovely colour and smooth texture of the petals was such a visual treat! There were other Hibiscus flowers of peach,white and red colour. The Ixoras were in full bloom and the buds were also so cute!

She saw a pink Adenium bonsai and a fish tail palm with leaves serrated and shaped like the tail of a fish. There were many Kanchan(Bauhinia ) plants with heart-shaped leaves. Some were in early growth stage, some were matured with light yellow flowers. She had seen some white mushrooms  near a piece of wood few days ago. Later one of the members of a Facebook Garden Group identified the mushroom as False Parasol. There were cucumber plants with yellow flowers. She had seen a little small cucumber few days ago still retaining the remnants of the flower. One day the lady gave her a fresh cucumber which had a very good and different taste and texture as harmful fertilizers had not been used.

She loved squirrels. The innocence and the gait of the animal was so sweet! She saw one from close quarters. The sunflowers were not there, but in the summer she had seen a beautiful sight of three lovely green parrots sitting on the sunflowers in dawn. Actually parrots come to feed on sunflower seeds. That was the only day she had seen three parrots from such close quarters. 

There were Lantana camara bushes. She had a special love for the Araucaria trees with their spreading branches. The green Thuja trees were fresh. She saw a young caterpillar. Morning glory flowers peeped here and there. There were many neem trees. A Badarlathi tree with hanging yellow inflorescences in summer was one of her favourites. The tree, also known as Golden Shower tree develops beautiful yellow pendulous raceme inflorescences. When in full bloom, the tree seems to be showering gold. She loved the Mussaenda shrub with beautiful pink bracts standing a bit apart from the rest of the plants.

The Palash tree was there standing- easily recognizable when the flowers bloom in spring but otherwise is only recognizable to the practiced eye seeing the shape of the leaves. The Chhatim tree(Alstonia scholaris) was beautiful with the flowers in full bloom. Pink Cockscomb and Pentas flowers were a visual treat. The Bird of Paradise plant(Strelitzia) was standing apart .

There were two beautiful Bhendi flowers in full bloom. She loved the vegetable, and the flower was also lovely- especially the petals, light creamish yellow with fine veins and a soft, feathery delicate texture,the mouth of the corolla tube having a maroonish red colour. There was a brinjal plant with an inverted violet flower. There was a beautiful Allamanda plant with many flowers in full bloom- a gorgeous beauty indeed! Nayantara plants were also in sight. 

The Kathchampa(Plumeria acutifolia) flowers were lovely. She saw Madhabilata(Hiptage benghalensis), Tecoma(Chandraprabha)with yellow flowers, Kadamba(Anthocephalus cadamba) plant- the fruits were scattered on the paths, Syngonium, Aralia, Dragon tail plant(Epipremnum pinnatum),Song of India plant, Bougainvilleas, pink Mimosa trees. 

There were many other plants too that she needed to identify. 

She was marveling at the huge diversity of the Almighty’s creations. 

The main problem was that she lived in a regressive human society where most human brains did not accept or welcome diversity. 

But God loves each and every creation. When you are with yourself away from human beings enjoying nature, you do feel blessed, however the way God has created you or whatever situation you are in to be a part of this beautiful world the Almighty has so magnificently designed. Most human beings tend to disturb your regulatory system, but if you watch nature, you will see how beautifully it is regulated. Even birds enjoying freedom have sense of timing, responsibility, they sleep-they do not kill their sleep. Almighty creates with a purpose, and however exceptional you are, you are exceptional to serve some special purpose of the Almighty. 

She was making attempts to reunite herself with the world of plants on her own accord. She was like plants- outwardly silent, non-disturbing and peaceful but with a lot of life flowing inside, lot of in-depth feelings. She loved silence, and amidst plants she could enjoy different life –forms in silence and peace. Even a thorn had a rose. 

She closed her eyes. Flowers were blooming all over her. 

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