Mother's true love - ZorbaBooks

Mother’s true love

The mother truly loved her daughter. 

The daughter was attending an on-line meeting. Her lady boss had come and also her colleagues. Discussions were going on about the new month’s targets,plans and agenda.

The daughter was wearing a multi-coloured striped kurti. She was listening to the meeting attentively. The mobile camera was placed in such a way that the upper half of her body was visible. She did not have any problem. 

Her structure was lean. She had a hormone problem earlier and the weight also went a little bit up. Her doctor had advised her to lose weight. The hormone level was going down, her weight had also become Ok. The medicine dosage to control the hormone level was going down. All reports were normal and she was responding very well to reduction in dosage. This cannot happen if the body weight is not OK. She was happy. Her mother , her true well-wisher was also happy. There was no problem.

It was never her education or habit to comment on other’s figures and bodies, neither her mother’s.

The lady boss was unwell and of late the daughter had observed certain strange changes in behaviour and tone. Ladies have strange mentalities . Before the end of the meeting, the lady boss targetted some trainers and started commenting on their looks and figure- a very non-professional attitude.What eyes! Scanning and swallowing even from so far!She had never done such before. The comments were mindless and strange. She was unwell.

The daughter heard her saying,“My God! You are such a mass of bones! One day you would disappear!’’Some other trainers also got comments which bewildered them.

The daughter knew from the medical and scientific point of view she had no problem. She firmly replied, “I have no problem.’’

The meeting had ended. She left the meeting.

She came and told her mother,“ See, my boss told me this. Is she having some underlying problems and some things against me for which she is behaving with me inappropriately?’’

Her mother was an intelligent level-headed strong lady. She calmed her daughter,“ You know very well that you are OK. I know how my daughter is. I have seen the photo of your boss and I understand why she made such a comment. She is so used to looking at herself that if she looks at you….I can well guess what feelings she would have. Do not worry. People cannot say or do anything they want and get away easily. If she has behaved with you inappropriately, created troubles for you or further creates, it is her problem. Other people will also create trouble for her because she is the one who is doing wrong , not you. She has something wrong with her. You be yourself and do not get affected. People bodyshame others when they themselves have some issues with their bodies and mind which they cannot deal with. People who have the habit of doing so are themselves having body and mind issues. Don’t worry about her behavior. God is up there and God will help you. God will protect you from budi nazaar of the gaze of toxic people and the troubles they create for you. You be yourself and believe in yourself. She also has a daughter. If she comments on other’s daughters, she must think she also has a daughter. Nothing would affect you or your job because of her. Be strong.’’

The daughter was relieved. She knew her mother truly loved her. And the true love and care of a mother is much more to value than the inappropriate comment and advice of a boss. And the true love of a mother who genuinely cares for you is a power that helps you overcome difficult situations, difficult people.

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