Respected Madams - ZorbaBooks

Respected Madams

Madam 1

The teacher was problematic and made other non-problematic people intentionally feel they had problems- this made her feel good.

Recently she had tailored a salwar kameez as per the design of a student. She was very short and recently having weight and health issues. In a recent function her husband had praised the make up and performance of the student.

She mindlessly bullied others at times,even children. But this student was very strong and remained unaffected. The student had a very nice height and was not short like the majority. She had told the student, “You are abnormal.” One day she asked, “You are looking thin. Is everything Ok with you?” She was getting bulky. The student had said,”There are people who have a habit to say something whenever they see others without actually understanding others- it actually depends on you to realise whether you are Ok or not. I am Ok. You do not have to worry about me. You think about yourself. Often what happens people do not think about themselves and later regret.” This was like a slap on her face. She stammered, “No,no,I am not like that….No….It is important for oneself to understand whether one is Ok or not…..true….”

There was a mirror. One day she was looking at her face a number of times in the mirror and then looking at her student’s face. The student noticed this. Actually the student’s face was beautiful. The student never made her feel bad. It was her own internal problem.

The teacher used to make the sound volume very high. Even many spectators in her annual function had complained. Then she had politely but much to her dislike lowered the volume.

One day when the student came, she got highly enraged. The student was wearing another beautiful salwar kameez. She had recently tailored one copying the student and was wearing it today. But the student was looking beautiful. She kept the volume intentionally high. When the student requested to lower the volume, she roughly told the student to go and wait outside. Outside there were lots of mosquitoes. When the student came back again and told her to lower the volume, she got very enraged and shouted rudely, “I can make the volume higher and higher. What will you say? I have also taken permission from the complex authority. You get out!”

She looked like a lunatic. She was out of control, noise was out of control! She looked like a big joke! People who hear sound at very high volume lose hearing power with time. They cannot hear properly in normal volume. They need louder sound. That is not the problem of everybody.

The student laughed, “Will you tell audience members in your annual function so rudely to get out if they request you to lower the volume? It is your problem that you are uncultured,impolite,insensible and do not have any sense of limit Besides,here the floor is horrible. I will never come to you. “

In our society many people do not have any sense of limit, in this case with respect to noise level, also teachers. Actually rude behaviour and lack of sense of limit highlights the weakness and insecurity of a person as well as lack of common sense and improper upbringing. The teacher’s mother used to sit outside every afternoon watching others.

Many people take advantage of their position and feel they can get away with misbehavior. But this later backfires. Everybody is not submissive and helpless to put up with nonsense. Being elder does not give someone a certificate to misbehave or not to say sorry.

Madam 2

It was the peak of Corona pandemic.

Two ladies were working in the service section- Leena and Sanchita-nice,sincere ladies, non-troublesome.

The Bank Manager was a lady not very pleasing. Her mask was carelessly dangling under her chin.

Sanchita was attending a customer.

Suddenly the Manager went to Sanchita.

“Sanchita,come on, let’s go out for a walk. I want to discuss some things with you.”

Sanchita was reluctant and refused.

The Manager laughed and said,”Let’s go out na. Don’t worry. I will also get Corona, you will also get the virus. Come on.” The sick smile stayed in her face. She urged even more.

The customer and Leena got very perplexed. Mad lady? Because she is the boss,she can be so uncivil?

Sanchita did not know how to speak to turn the situation in her favour, even though her face showed that her mind was strongly revolting. She was submissive and agreed.

The boss got the fun. She was a frustrated person and did activities promoting trouble and self-harm. She got a sadistic pleasure if she could drag others into it as well. She loved to see the disturbed face of Sanchita.

Leena was a bit senior. She shouted,”Don’t walk. Take a rickshaw.” She cared.

In society, we should be taught how to speak up tactfully if required . Elders and bosses cannot do whatever they want. With speaking up, there is the fear of rejection but improvising on clever ways of speaking up can certainly help and we can defeat the harmful intentions of oppressive Madams like the Bank Manager for our good.

Madam 3

With age Madam was becoming greedy and mindless and a big fat liar at an atrocious level.

Her school building was in a very bad condition with cracks,plasters coming off and chunks of cement falling. It was a building very much in the danger zone. She did not take any measures to repair.

It is illegal for an employer to make employees come in a dangerous building. One employee refused to work in the building. She behaved atrociously and dismissed the employee on very wrong grounds. She did not give any appointment or resignation letters to employees.

After few years, the dismissed employee saw the building was being broken down from the topmost floor. Within few months the whole building was broken down.

At this time, Madam’s office staff had called her one day 6-7 times, as well as Madam. Madam had not even paid her for the last month she had worked,or picked up her phone. She was Mrs. Shaitan No.1.

The employee did not respond and blocked the numbers.

Madam 4-Sasuma Madam

The would-be mother-in-law told the would be daughter-in-law coming from a very good family, “See if you can adapt. Here a girl from a posh City area has adapted so well in a basti-bari(slum house).”

Her son shouted,”Ah! What are you saying?”

Now,adaptation is to give free space to a person. Adaptation is not forcefully imposing some conditions on a person without thinking whether it is good or bad for the person, or accepting conditions or things that can harm you.

Sasuma Madam herself could not adapt to the fact that a beautiful bride would come because then her son will look more at the bride and not at her.

Her son had admitted, “My mother reproaches me as I am unmarried. But when the relationship with my lady becomes close, she behaves strangely and creates havoc in the house,like shouting all day. Somewhere she cannot adapt to the fact that her son will become attached to another lady.”

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