To be or not to BE
Times ago…. the majestic celestials met
And deliberated.
Each one a unique one…the hues, the forms, the extent.
A chance to evolve
And each one thought
‘To be or not to be’.
All thoughts rethought
Many times over.
The possibilities considered
Left many questions unanswered.
A choice to make
As each one thought
‘To be or not to be’.
All cried just one reason
‘My identity should not weaken’
To exist was the aspiration
To control was the purpose.
And each one pondered
‘To be or not to be’
The judgement day arrived
All chose the road most taken.
Freedom was important
The choice was simple…
Between the black and the white.
Though all unsure if they wanted…
‘To be or not to be’
The large one burned
The smallest was…alone.
Mistaking the ring
To be the crown.
Mocked the shiniest, though it too was spun around.
All in a frenzy…
Our Earth made THE choice…
And it would BE!
A fable shaped the world
And gave this world a world.
Where primates tried to give
Meaning to life….to live!
Sapiens …the refined.
By shape, by being.
But in the mind…lurked the question
‘To be or not to be’.
The earth revolved. A bid to evolve.
Like a rattrap, trapping all.
I had to chose
‘To be or not to be’
My radical thoughts
My nothingness
My confusion
My boredom
My alienation
My absurdity…
……I lost my purpose.
I wish I knew
If I had
‘To be or not to be’.
Full of angst and dread
Exhausted, I lie hopeless.
I looked up at the dim
The hope was thin.
I had little choice…
Between the black and the white.
So, I walked away from the black
Slowly treading towards the white…
And lo! I saw the shades
There were more choices
Red, Green and blue…. sang the voices.
Many more colours, many more choices.
I smiled…and I chose
‘To BE!’