I am a teen ! - ZorbaBooks

I am a teen !

I am in the age between 13-18,

As I am being a teen.

I wanted to be kind,

But my kindness blew by the rude wind.

I always tried my best,

But it always turned a waste.

It’s all my fault, Or do I call it an assault !

I don’t want to be compared to others,

Cause I’m rare further.

Random thoughts come to my mind,

Can you please be kind ?

I don’t know how the world is !

Can you tell me please?

I know, I overthink,

I know, sometimes I sink.

The world is being rude with me,

Can you please see?

I am upset nowadays,

Not because the world says !

I tried becoming a good person,

And I didn’t know the reason.

Why I was trying to help everyone,

When I can’t get help from anyone.

When I cried everyone made my fun,

Why didn’t they ask for the reason ?

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