Teenage Vibe
The day it started,
I cried with a cute face.
Wasn’t that the right phase?
From the new born,
To a toddler, from a child
I am a teenager now.
What a teenager seems like,
In a dilemma vibe.
It’s the time to start a new journey towards life.
And we are in a dilemma of choosing right and wrong site.
Now from a schoolgrader,
Things will change to a highschooler.
Classmates will change into strangers,
And will only talk on the secret chamber.
Tasks will change into responsibilities,
And we have to explore our abilities.
We will learn to face hardships like rain,
And our mind will say ‘I want to be a child again’.
Don’t you remember we all said;
“We can’t wait to be a grown up”
And now WE DON’T !