What Makes A Human? - ZorbaBooks

What Makes A Human?

Is it the hidden treasure,

or the forever leisure?

Is it the greed,

or the never-ending need?

Is it the toxic trait,

or the habit of blaming everything on fate?

Is it the jealousy,

or the betrayal that runs through our legacy?

Is it the joy of bringing others down,

or the merciless race towards the crown?

Is it the lying,

or the nature of defying?

If it isn’t the sins or the most inhumane things that build a human,

then what is it that makes a being, a human?



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  1. Wow 🤩really thoughtful 👍

  2. Priyanka Pahwa says:

    Incredibly well written

  3. Your ability to capture the essence of human emotions and experience is truly remarkable, each word resonates with authenticity and depth

  4. Pooja Gaba says:

    Thoughtful !!! Commendable to this young author.

  5. Wow👍🏻👍🏻

  6. Leena Arora says:

    Really good 👍

  7. Excellent 👌

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Yashmita Arora