K.N.Krishna Swamy
“The Book – “THE CEO’S BREAKTHROUGH AND VIBRANT PATH” exclusively designed in the simplest form for achieving “Super Profits, Super Growth & Super Value Leadership; is surely the Rarest & Very Unusual E-book in the history of 21st Century’s Corporate World. An exciting daily reference guide for CEO’s, Entrepreneurs, Top Executives & Start-Up’s to Enhance Business Performance by over 300% WITHOUT ANY INVESTMENTS and has the Potential to transform ordinary entrepreneurs into Billion Dollar Business Get Goers. The Challenging CEO’s will have even the unique opportunity to Build Path-breaking and Transformational Visions, Missions, Innovations & Strategies on 360 degrees to drive Businesses beyond Boundaries with this very Un-conventional Profit & Growth Leadership Guide, meaning that the Businesses could be taken towards Building 100 Billion Dollar Entrepreneurship with the Least Possible Investments. A book for every CEO, Entrepreneur, Top Executive, Start-Up and Women Social Entrepreneur to cherish the great learning process and to get enlightened constantly with the true spirit of entrepreneurial leadership to ultimately achieve the Greatest Possible Business Results, Qualitatively, in the shortest possible time with Extra-ordinary Quality, Delivery & Continuous Excellence… Never Miss this Great Life-time Opportunity…”
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