The Case of the Diamond Necklace - ZorbaBooks
The Case of the Diamond Necklace

The Case of the Diamond Necklace

by Atharv Gupta


E-Book Price ₹99 / $4.99

ISBN 978-93-95217-95-8
Languages English
Pages 144
Cover Paperback
E-Book Available


The Case of the Diamond Necklace

Series “The Tricky Three”


When the world-famous diamond necklace goes missing, George, Katie, and Julian take it upon themselves to solve the mystery and catch the thief. Can they catch the thief before it’s too late, or does the world lose its prided necklace forever?

  About the Author 

Atharv Gupta, a 10-year-old debut author residing in Bangalore with his parents and older sister, is a student at Harvest International School.
You can tell he really loves writing by looking at his work. Atharv is an avid reader, immersing himself in the enchanting realms of fantasy
through books, earning him the title of a true bookworm. In addition to his literary pursuits, he exudes boundless enthusiasm for playing
football, and when seeking tranquillity, he turns to the calming art of origami.

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  1. Trav

    I just read the sample and it’s absolutely amazing

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