Inner Conflicts - ZorbaBooks

Inner Conflicts

by Remya V Menon


E-Book Price ₹59 / $1.99

ISBN 978-93-86407-20-7
Languages English
Pages 60
Cover Paperback
E-Book Available


Prem is dissatisfied with his swanky job and way of life. He is a man of principle, a man with compassion for all beings. Though very successful, he feels unfulfilled and yearns for something deeper, something more meaningful. A family tragedy shakes him up, leading him to confront his conflicts and pursue his dream. But will he succeed?
Along the way, Prem meets his brother’s enigmatic friend, Raj, who motivates him.
Meanwhile, circumstances lead him to Sheela, a smart, ambitious girl. Sheela was painfully aware that society expects women to toe the line. When Sheela and Prem meet, they hit it off. However, they are shackled by the constraints of the traditional culture they belong to. Can their relationship overcome these fetters? Can they find a compromise? Or do they go their own ways?
‘Inner Conflicts’ portrays the turmoil of the unconventional youth in a conservative, bureaucratic society

About the Author

Remya V. Menon is a techie by profession. Writing is her passion; along with penning articles for local magazines, she has recently taken to blogging. She also loves reading, technology, travel, adventure and outdoors.
She believes in making a positive difference, no matter how small. ‘Inner Conflicts’ is her first book.
You can read her blog at

1 review for Inner Conflicts

  1. Vishnu Chevli

    “Inner Conflicts” by Remya V Menon is a book that will make you believe in good-natured people, who would like to work for society’s upliftment. I got my hands on this book yesterday and I finished it in an hour or two. A light read for any age group.

    It is a novella, and I don’t want to reveal more than the blurb because it will spoil the readers’ interest. Let me talk about a few things about book and the story.

    Cover & Title of the book
    Inner Conflict is the story of Prem who finds his life is all messed up. He loses his brother and the loss weighs heavily on him. The story is named after the mental struggle that Prem goes through after losing his brother. The cover photo is able to portray this message but I didn’t like the plain blue color.

    It is novella so the scope of going deep into each character is not possible. Though Remya has given enough emphasis to Prem and Sheela’s characters.

    Couple’s Fight Against all Odds
    Peer pressure is a devil. We face the same pressure in our day-to-day life. Prem and Sheela had similar problems when it came to their parents and family. They fought and at the same time found a way to give happiness to others. Their mission in life was to serve others for a better world.

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